What's next for Elektron?

mine or hers?

Your’s. It comes off like telling someone to shut up because you don’t agree with them. Iike the vibe I get from some of the posts here is “You didn’t spend enough time with these instruments to form a valid criticism, so shut up”

EDIT. Like I think some people are annoyed at her visibility in the space when they feel like they are way better with the instruments. “Why does everyone know about Jade Wii but no one listens to my jams on YouTube” typa thing. I feel like this is a lot of the things people dislike about YouTubers, that they feel superior to the YouTuber but less visibly successful.


you’re entitled to your feelings. the person I was familiar with here doesn’t seem to be the same person in the other videos.

I’m not a youtube person, I don’t follow a lot of content, I’m not big on the culture so maybe I’m not able to form a valid criticism. but I’ve known enough people to know whom I can listen to and who I can’t, or when someone is difficult to listen to because of how they present themselves.

If I seem to be speaking about something you are sensitive towards, my apologies but I’m talking about the attitude of the person presenting themselves on youtube, not this forum, not a cultural shift, or any sort of “stay in your place-ism” that you seem to be interpreting.


No your good. Just sounds like her new stuff isn’t for you. Maybe she’s too big for your britches, haha.

A lot of this is just my perception, not trying to put words in your mouth.

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To be fair to her she tends to moan about other brands too, but I think what a lot of these wannabe synfluencers do is project their specific wishes about how things should be, rather than just telling what is, but actually a lot of what they want isn’t necessarily what other people want. Sometimes they also bemoan the lack of things that simply would not be possible, which is totally pointless.

I think generally these whingey kind of YouTubers days are numbered, it gets pretty tiresome.


Being a successful YT personality is probably somewhat inversely correlated with being a productive musician. I try to watch art and performance videos, but like a lot of people, I find that I do get sucked into watching gear videos and “OMG content” more than I’d like to admit. It’s hard for me to find fault in the content creators for making content that’s rewarded by the ecosystems of social media recommendation systems, sponsors/manufacturers/advertisers, and audiences.


Don’t we all do that, like everyday :rofl:


Yes probably - but I would not try to build a youtube channel around it :laughing:


What do you think are the set of approved activities YouTubers should be allowed to engage in?

Or put another way, is it just annoying because it is content that you feel like should be relevant for you but is not?

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Sooooo, let’s talk about what’s next for Elektron, which is obviously OT Mk3.


honestly that’s my hope. love my digitakt but the 1.5 got me to a point where i want more in that vein

I suspect they will never make a thing called the Octatrack MK3. But I do think and hope that we will see a further refinement of those ideas.

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I would be very surprised if they don’t end up releasing a big firmware update for the Digitone as both Digitakt and syntakt got one already before the hypothetical OT MK3 release.


I really don’t mind. They can call it George, Wang, Charlotte, whatever.


I’m not the youtube police, just stating what I find boring. They can do WTF they want.

It doesn’t annoy me because I don’t watch that kind of stuff, and I don’t expect anyone to make videos tailored to my tastes, although plenty do make good videos that I do watch, just not these kind of channel. Good luck to them, but it’s not for me.

Edit: to be clearer, I don’t have a problem with videos criticising genuine bugs, or bad design choices, when they are done properly, like say Loopop. I’m not trying to gate keep other people’s opinions or preferences, just stating mine. I could list a bunch of channels I used to watch that I now avoid, and it is always for the same reasons, they let their ego get in the way, inevitable complaining about how hard it is to be a youtuber, how they are undervalued, how this gear should be like that gear, it’s just not interesting to me, and IMHO not professional.


She literally jammed with Ess and Mr Dataline and embodied the DAWless jamming brand on youtube for several years. I think it’s a little late to gate keep her opinion. :stuck_out_tongue:

There’s no issue with opinions, only with how they’re presented.

I read down a bit and saw you had gotten scolded after I had already posted my comment. I meant that in a more lighthearted way. Like, the cows had already left the barn, the balloons had flown out to sea, and there is no checking that ego. How can mere logic or humility interact with the ultimate elektron user Jade Wii? :thinking:

you’re my favorite bird (8 bit)

I’m rather fond of the african grey parrot in 3d.


I remember when I joined this forum after buying a Digitakt, there were a bunch of miserable old fuckers moaning that Elektron were shit after Daniel Troberg left.

This last year the miserable old fuckers are moaning that Elektron are shit after Ess and Cenk left.

In a couple of years the miserable old fuckers will be moaning that Elektron are shit after Ricky and Mario left.