What's next for Elektron?

Somewhere along the way some of these synthtube people (and by no means all of them, but mostly the ‘synfluencer” types) seemed to think they were experts just because they get views on youtube, but worse than that is that people seem to fall for it. Even manufacturers.

Everything doesn’t have to have probability and unquantised recording, and everyone who uses it isn’t making lo-fi hip hop or fucking trap or whatever the fuck.


I find it really interesting how controversial this stuff can be, I find it hard to be that invested, but I get the hate, its obviously low hanging fruit content wise. The thing that I do honestly feel sometimes is the thing akin to “God give me a laptop in a box with an Elektron sequencer, encoders and a fader that I can just run any daw on.” Kinda of heretical feeling. And I know full well I can (and do) just use overbridge for this, but I want the Elektron-MPC thing of my dreams… :pleading_face:


No hate from me, just total boredom.

And probably a bit of heatwave induced irritation :laughing:

No, not that kind.


Infact that just made me think, how would people feel if elektron put out a vst of the sequencer that just works like midi tracks on the digis but for in your daw?

A lot of percentages flying around in that first video!

an ex elektron employee already sorta did that.

opal ctl :wink:

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She reminds me of this guy I saw in a quiet little Ramen spot who was wearing a pink zoro hat, bright green trench coat with a perfectly clean skateboard watching music videos at full volume.

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Nice I’ll check it out. Ta for the heads up. :+1:

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it’s the shiznit.


It kind of exists already. Check out fors fm.

In my experiment, without the knobs and tactility it fell extremely flat for me personally.

whoops looks like i was beaten to it

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Man that looks amazing but I’m heart broken cos it’s max for live only. :sob:


yea that just occurred to me there. it’s ableton only. in my haste I forgot to mention that.

It’s cool, see though, gap in the market for an Elektron VST. (Also must map to keyboard for the clicky clack experience :rofl:)

I’m sure we’ll see another flagship synth with lots of synthesis options that totally puts the point to rest. They are always developing new products. The current ones are great. Sounds like nothing would please a person like this - perfect conceit for a YouTuber

I mean, there is a bit of that on here. Even my (admittedly drunk) comment about Elektron being ruled by the suits nowadays got a single like from Cenk but no one else sees it or wants to see it. Criticising Elektron and wanting them to do better does elicit a bunch of “fuck off with that shit” on here. No nuance or understanding. So it goes both ways.

(And no, I gave up watching Jade Wii and the “Dawless Jammin” thing ages ago, so I’m not responding to whatever points she raised)


In a multi-device setup, I probably would keep it too. I’m definitely a one-synth-at-a-time kind of guy.

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Exactly. It is not hard to see a change in Elektron late instruments. It might be harder to accept it for most though.

Nothing that ground breaking from Elektron since quite a long time. And lately it’s a lot of upcycled concepts for newest products.

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I like my Sh-4d but this is ridiculous lol. I use a different sequencer with it (Torso) because the sequencer is crap.

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I think the Syntakt is better than the Machinedrum.

I don’t give a shit about how “innovative” it is (musicians can innovate too, you know), it just fits the music I make better than the older boxes. It’s neither greater or lesser than anything else, just different.

The inability of people to tell the difference between something not being for them and something spelling the end of a company’s creative soul is as funny as it is ridiculous.

I though the AR was a bag of shit, but look at what @blushresponse can do with it. The same for @jeanne with the ST and DT. For every warrior a weapon.

For my use case, Elektron are making better gear than they were a few fabled years ago (remember, when they discontinued the silver boxes cos no-one was buying them). Obviously people differ in what they do/don’t like but I’ve no idea how any of this translates to being a problem.

Fuck knows how this makes me a fanboy (especially as I only own an M:S these days) but that is the language of the unimaginative edgelord, not the sort of grown ups that used to keep me chatting on here all day.


I didn’t watch the video but let’s just say that she succeeded with her video.

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