What's next for Elektron?

I didn’t know about the Madrona one. I have Odessa, and I love it. It sounds great. I modulate it from Bitwig (via expert sleepers modules) or nerdseq.

I feel like something like an Elektron box with “machines” that manipulate partials would just be a great way of working with additive synthesis, and lead to all sorts of weird sound happy accidents.

syntakt has entered the chat

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inb4 Syntone speculation thread… :fire:

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I like the idea of the Syntakt and Syntone being bizarro versions of the Digis. So the Syntone should be a polyphonic sampler that can do wavetable and granular stuff.

I mostly just want Elektron to make a polyphonic sampler or better yet, give the Digitakt that capability without the need for MIDI shenanigans.


My guess: the Elektron Superbooth and Superbooth keys.

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Polyphonic sampler with per voice analog filters pleeease :smiley:

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whoa, does anyone actually make a stand like that?

It was probably a DIY stand. That’s where I got the pic to photoshop

Sketching up some ideas. Full render coming after I marinade on the details

16 audio tracks, 16 Midi Tracks
Tracks can be Thru or neighbor
Elektron Sequencing, pLocks, conditional trigs etc.
Fixed 3band EQ with Freq slope, panning, faders.
2 small buttons to route to sub outs A or B
Press/Hold Mute & Solo using seq trigs to engage.
FX knobs 1 2 & 3 with a variety of assignable effects that can be pre or post
Transport and navigation
Press/Hold Bank plus Trigs OT style
Joystick using assignable fx per track
Function button for sub functionality.
I’ll probably add a wide screen spanning the top of the mixer Push Style
All jacks on the back including inserts
Built in master compression/heat/tape simulator.
Not sure what else yet

If a company would make something like this it would be a major hit.


If I had a few degrees and the resources, I’d do it

Yes please. That’s exactly what I’ve been waiting for since I first got into synths


Me too my friend, me too!


Stereo inputs i presume :upside_down_face:

For my dreamers out there :content: :3lektron:


Looks like an MC707

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I’d never even looked at those. I’m not a fan of the newer Roland stuff.
The faders are a little stiff and they look funny to me.
I’d REALLY LOVE to see elektron have a go at it. Kind of like the new Octatrack


A new Octatrack type of thing would be tight. Although I think an 8 track sampler would flop hard these days.

I think a polyphonic sampler, with an analog fx block would be super dope.


Yeah that would be sick!
I actually rarely use the OT for sampling. I should get into that aspect of it tho

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Needs longer throw sliders for the tracks but if that’s what they released I don’t even think I’d bother mentioning it :slight_smile:

Also stoppers on the knobs for the EQ section - AH style knobs ideally.