What's next for Elektron?

Elektron should meter the electrons that move through their devices and charge an exit fee to hear them at the outputs.


Because they think it will mean more frequent and better firmware updates.

But definitely not more dissatisfiaction when their $19.99 firmware update doesn’t make them a good producer.


A good snare costs at least $49.99.


What’s good in OP-1? I’ve thought it’s just a fun toy for hipsters.

Honestly? Because I’d rather have quarterly updates than every 1.5 years, and if the difference between that being economically viable or not is 8 dollars, then I’m on board.


For everyone wishing for more frequent firmware updates may I refer you to this thread:

Often the more exciting changes will mean a refactoring (recoding) of large pieces of the firmware. And to do it in such a way that these machines are viable for live use is difficult and time consuming. A lot of testing has to be done when any tiny change is made.

Suffice to say any firmware update you would pay for will take time. :slight_smile:

Also of note, the new price increases when major updates have happened. So in effect the earlier you support the product, the cheaper it is. Newcomers pay for the additional functionality when they purchase updated devices.


not a single product I know rolls out every 3 months, not a daw, not a plugin and certainly not a hardware product, subscription or not.
I mean bug fixes, sure, bring them on, but release new features every 3 months? who does that?
even Ableton Live, that costs pretty much the same as a digi device but software only and has wwwaaay more sales releases major every 3 years and does some small updates/bug fixes in between… not every 3 months for sure, and not even every 6 months, they do new features mmaaaybe once-twice per version which lately been 3 years cycle.


Selling firmware updates is like you’re signing that you’re incapable of supporting your company’s wealth, you have big loans, other financial problems and etc. And most probably it’s like “you have no other ideas to get money from”.
This idea is mental by it’s core. Nothing personal, sorry.


no worries, no offense taken at all

i’m not advocating for or against and definitely don’t know anything about business strategies at all

just throwing a speculation out there and i’m probably just doing so out of some misplaced wishful desire for some new st machines

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These will be AdobeTakts :wink: :smiley:


I feel like the desire for constant updates comes from the way we have been conditioned by social media and tech companies. They are constantly selling us the feeling of “progress”. It’s often just a UI refresh or a slight change in packaging for a hardware refresh. But it feels like we “advanced”.

I actually really appreciate having an instrument whose interface stays pretty constant. I know some people’s muscle memory was thrown off by the recent Rytm update changing a couple button combos.


This! :point_up_2:

Many professional musicians choose Elektron for its reputation for rocksolid reliability in a live situation. Fucking that up would be the end of Elektron far quicker than the slow and steady release cycle of firmware updates. And having spoken to some of the guys at Elektron, I get the impression they have plans for years to come. Let’s be patient.


Kind of a “duh” statement, but I think the excitement, raw speculation, and wishful thinking, is actually good thing. Keep it coming. It means people are still excited to see what Elektron does next, and support them financially, in whatever form. (Just not a subscription model hopefully, hehe) If people were quiet, bored, and not throwing out crazy ideas, it would be a bad sign, imo.


the real updates are the ones within ourselves lol

but in all seriousness i would definitely benefit more from practice and developing a better workflow than any firmware update


The Oxi one has incredibly frequent updates 🤷

I get your point, though. Replace ‘quarterly’ with ‘more frequent’.


well, I don’t know it so my my point stands :laughing:

yeah I mean, realistically too, rolling out frequent upgrades will eventually run the device into backwards compatibility issues, so think about what’s preferred for this scenario, you have a 10 yo rytm/a4/ot, do you want your old projects to work or worry with new os release?
look at people sweating over the rytm 1.70 tuning that it ruined their older projects tuning… I mean from an upgrade perspective it’s holyshit feature, but if you already have banks and banks of projects accumulated over X years of work you’d be sweating to upgrade…

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OG OP-1 is one of the most fascinating digital instruments ever, both from a sonic perspective and aesthetic.


I really loved the aesthetic of the OP-1, when it came out. But then I found out that the functionality was way too limited to be of any use to me.


I find it pretty strange that many people seem to view frequent updates as a valuable thing in itself.

Frequency or quantity doesn’t equate quality.

A great instrument doesn’t need constant updates to remain a great instrument


And how many complex analogue/digital synthesizers and samplers with complex sequencers/audio routings and sampling capabilities, USB, midi and DAW integration are they currently supporting?