As the Title says, i’ll
Thanks for posting this -every time I think about selling my ESX, I watch a few Daniel Kerr videos and end up hanging onto it; so inspirational and a really fun sampler.
For sure the ESX is Fun, I regret not keeping mine. On a side note Daniel Kerr’s ESX tutorial vid’s can also add some inspiration to the OT, as an example, is very fun in the OT. I have yet to see any disadvantages to doing this.

The Karenn show (as posted above) is amazing and inspiring!
Also, this:
And this: (From Elektron-Users member Repeatle…)
Our very own Highsage:
EDIT: plus another “!!!”
for me, that’s the single most inspiring live performance.
This inspires me because it brings a smile to my face.
^ THUNDER live. Nice shout.
Some mates of mine from Liverpool here in a live set I recorded after warming up for em at a festival in Wales. Bit of a mouthful that. Ha. If live Acid and Techno are your thing I highly recommend a listen.
3 lads/303/909/808/101 some FX and a few plugins.
Edit - just noticed KARREN are using niio core live. Interested to learn how there using it… Picked one up recently.
4:25 headrush.
this was a damn good night
Comedy genius
Got me to start using my OT again after letting it sit for far too long
I liked their first Boiler Room set, but I think Karenn’s new one is considerably better.
The classics - Chemical Brothers.
This is from 99 but their 2002 tour is the best show I’ve ever been to.
… last boilerroom with kink in moscow. Like a child in a toy wonderland …
So much joy and playful happines, great … also the use of vinyl, analog and digital gear.