What to put between a mixer and a portable recorder... recommend!


I have several synths-no drum machines yet- running into A & H Zed 10 mixer and the mixer stereo out into a Tascam DR40X portable recorder.

Recordings are…fine mix-wise, however they do sound a bit flat. You can tell some of the body and presence-warmth?- of the original signal gets cut out.

I have been reading a bit around, and I hear names like Analog Heat, Oto Boum or FMR NRLA been thrown around a lot as devices capable of adding some extra “girth” to the sound.

I am wondering if any of these would be beneficial on the master, also bearing in mind that the music is broadly speaking “ambient” with little bass and no drums.

Recommendations appreciated!

( Only hardware based please - I have already fiddled around with an audio interface and iPad)

A post was merged into an existing topic: Other than Analog Heat, what are some effects hardware that add warmth, fatness, etc?