AK sound gone flat

why does my analog keys suddenly now sound like a bad synthesizer emulator you can find on google play? did someone rob me?

:popcorn: this will be fun…


Cheap converters…

Time to give Stimming a call


this might be related to the OT sound quality

:stuck_out_tongue: :laughing:

what makes it sound like that? maybe you got used to its sound or you should approach sound design on it in a different way?

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Perhaps you patch is Sine without envelop and filters wide open?
Just guessing :laughing:

Roll a perception check.


Some people pay thousands for that


Did you open one of my A4 project inadvertently?


Are you sure it doesn’t say Timbre Wolf on the front?

My first Analog Rytm sounded really bad. Then I found out it said Beat Thang on the front.

Gotta watch out for things like that.


there’s a possibility it’s actually because I blew up my headphones while testing out delay feedback on the model samples the other day. I don’t know, I was trying to make a sound patch and for some reason the oscillators just sounded so weak and the pulsewidth mods, oscillator sync setting weren’t really seeming to work right. Portamento was wack too.


I just impulse bought these high resolution closed back cans from Monoprice for $49 along with my 2x XLR -> TRS cables for the Jupiter Xm. Hope they fill the spot between my 7506/8323 headphones and my planned purchase of some nice planars next year.

Check the LFO juice! It’s a rookie mistake to let it run dry.


Same thing happened with my A4 when I found out that it used DCO’s, not VCO’s.

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Definitely best to narrow down variables.

You can easily do a sine sweep with your headphones to find trouble areas (not using the Analog Keys).

Do Beat Thangs actually sound bad? Never seen/heard one in the wild.

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Check that the two AA batteries haven’t gone flat.


I don’t know either honestly. I think it’s just a sampler so it probably sounds as good as whatever you put in it.

Timbre Wolf and Beat thang probably got more flack than most instruments in recent times so they are easy targets for a joke :stuck_out_tongue:

Like when peoples turn signals on their cars flash excessively fast because they added too much blinker fluid?

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Timbre Wolf… about as flat as the Earth to my ears. :wink:

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