What’s next for Ess / Fors?

I only need to hear one thing today and one thing only. That there is a way to bring opal to Push 3 Standalone somehow.



The separate Opal devices already work with the Push 2, although without any custom UI.

Hi all, I wanted to check in with some other Opal users about something I have found.

When I load a preset json I have previously saved it will change my sequencer pages to the amount saved with the json, which isn’t handy when you’ve been working on a long sequence. Looks like it’s the track page line in the json file. Could this be excluded @Ess?

Great bit of kit this. Absolutely love it and I’m hyped to see what comes in the future for Opal.

What kind of preset? An old bank or a single synth preset? The synth preset (e.g loading in a Gem json) shouldn’t affect the track pages.

Jury’s still out on this one – unless they introduce a new API for Push 3 Opal is going to be just as limited in terms of control on Push 3 as it was on 2. I do wish for better support of custom graphics, control etc …

For what it’s worth I’ve gotten confirmation that all of the individual devices in Opal work just fine on Push 3. The main Opal device loads up as well (waiting to hear about CPU usage) but there is naturally no interaction with the sequencer besides starting/stopping and changing pattern.


is it possible to link patterns…maybe like a song mode? sorry if it has been asked…

Yes, just automate the Active Pattern automation lane in the arrangement view… Ableton Live is the song mode :smiley:


I cross my fingers. The y and x axis on the mpe pads is perfect to control the steps on the opal sequencers just like on the normal version. You could make all of the sequencer functions you have in the downside row switchable by free pads right to the drumpads. Would be killer :wink: with your engines this would bring water to my eyes. This way the whole screen could be used for the engines.


Thank you.

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A synth preset made from CMD clicking on an engines icon in the middle section. Have double checked with a few different presets and it always changes the pages.

Ah, that’s a bug then. Thanks for letting me know!

For the time being you can manually remove the track_pages entry from the json, but that’s of course annoying – sorry about that.


Just swinging by to say I picked up Opal to run on my Push standalone. Echoing the standalone devices all work!

Its been fun learning my way around Max. I’ve made a few edits to expose the mod matrix and re-organise the live.banks pages a bit, edited the text to remove device name from each Parameter etc. Though I’m sure an official update will come at some point!



30% off with code “juni”, June 2-9.

Gonna fill a few gaps.


Nice! Thanks for the heads up. Just grabbed them all.


Is there any thoughts on crafting Opal for Bitwig? Personally, I find it hard to go back to Ableton Live (a user from 1.5 - 10) after using Bitwig. But I am considering using Live again via Push 3, and frankly primarily for the Fors FM synths because I love FM synthesis.

I dont know if it helps for you to know

since upgrade any instance of attempting to add a second Opal has resulted in crashes when attempting to open the file in Abelton.

reported to Abelton attached with crash report files

Same boat. I keep Live around for all the brilliant Max devices. And they play so well together. I can either drag and drop printed material between them or open the Live projects in Bitwig and if i’m using third party VSTs instead of native devices everything goes smoothly. Best of both worlds.

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Is there a way to manually assign a CC# in Opal CTL instead of using the midi map function? I would like to be able to send CC# 1, 2, 3, 4 to control the MIDI lfo on the OP1 but I’m not sure how to proceed, as there is no way to trigger those CC from the OP1.


How close is the Digitone to any of the Fors synths? I’m having more fun than I thought with Glänta and while it’s two op and the DT is four, I recall it’s set up in a similar ‘friendly’ way - is that the case? I have a M:S and while it’s great, it’s quite a bit more restrictive.

Also has anyone with a Minifreak got the two op osc to do good stuff like Glänta?