What programming language is used to code Electron devices



My company has been playing with using rust for some stuff in embedded audio products (Linux on arm) and it is almost as fast as c++ in most tests they’ve run. This is not audio processing though, that’s all c++ for now.


Yeah, Python user. And C. And JS. And Java… PHP… Nim… SQL… Swift… and… well, you get the point.

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To answer the original question from the OP… no one knows :slight_smile:


Not true.


I stand no chance.


a lot of the earlier stuff (Machinedrum, MonoMachine) was written in Visual Basic 6. many of the familiar sequencer icons were essentially lifted wholesale from the MS “Dingbats” font. for more recent machines i believe they have moved on to VB.Net


You win this thread. Mods, please lock the thread, it is impossible to improve from here.


Cool, my tricked work to get us back on topic! :slight_smile:

Thanks for the answer too :crossed_fingers:

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I did development in C for many years in UNIX starting with Plexus and then Sun. Moving to C++. C does indeed offer all you need. I agree that JAVA sucks for this type of thing. I also was very fluent in Perl which is great for Reports (LOL). I always thought C was actually quite elegant. Retired now. Years and years of coding was very stressful as management always wanted everything yesterday. I worked in the Medical field on large systems. Yes I studied LISP as well. Very funny cartoon.

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I thought C was elegant until I learned Scheme.
I thought Scheme was elegant until I learned ML.
I thought ML was elegant until I learned Haskell.
I thought Haskell was elegant until I learned Agda.

I have never run an Agda program except for the “Hello, world” used to test the implementation. Most of the time, one only needs to compile (typecheck) an Agda program.

Now that’s elegance.


C was actually quite elegant … and to the point. Actually studied Scheme on my own. To funny. Perhaps you remember Prolog. Studied that as well.

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I once heard a colleague describe Prolog as “a quick way to write exponential-time algorithms”. Sick burn. Logic programming loomed larger before, it seems to have died down recently. There are some usable offshoots (e.g. Datalog).

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Datomic is great (uses datalog as query language).

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I really prefer to write C++ over C because of the class and not to have to deal with hand made way in C to achieve the same goal in C++.
Definitely the struct approach in C is quite old.

For example understanding text parsing in C in people source code can be a nightmare. Or understanding how to use safely a function from people source code.
I think C++ put some guarding which is quite good when the code need to be read by multiple people with different level of coding.

It can also lead to performance problem with unneeded copy of object instead of pointer.

But reading large code in C++ is sometimes not easy, some people use C++ in a way which is quite not easy to read. And use all the possibilities of the langage.

So I would say it depend on the project size and number of people involved in the project. And the speed of the program. Sometimes you don’t need speed at all, you just need something which is readable. And a good old python will be way more usefull than a binary blob…

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C++ was new and scary when the X11 libraries & Windows API were put together, so if you did GUI stuff back in the day, you did it without formal OOP support. Even with MFC, you really had to understand the C way, since MFC was just a layer on top of the classic APIs.

Java is nice-but-ugly in that you can’t even write hello world without a class. Generics were simpler than templates (not sure if that has changed) and of course multiple inheritance is gone from Java in favor of interfaces and a preference for composition.

The ugly thing about Java is that things tend to get verbose. This greatly helps readability, but makes it much harder to write something small and compact. Which you wouldn’t be able to do if there are 50+ other engineers on the team (or 2000+ for some of the projects :scream:)

We did this at my uni. Never enjoyed OOP since :smiley: (although I’m full-time TypeScript now).

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Kids today complain about reversing linked lists, but I can recall successfully abusing vtables in interviews and reciting the properties of IUnknown (from the abomination that was COM & ActiveX).

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yep… also some people still do c++ like it’s 1999, ignoring all the good modern stuff.

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