What portable recorder do you use or could recommend?

Hello all,

I’m new to all this, so I hope I’m not asking the wrong questions here.

Over the last year or 2 I’ve bought myself some gear which I really love:

Dreadbox Typhon

Elektron Digitone

Elektron Digitakt

Keystep 37

They are all set up nicely (after days of figuring it all out) and I use the Digitakt for the Midi Clock and audio out to my headphones for all the gear.

I love it all being DAWless as I work on computers all day.

I’d like a way to just record to a device or some sort using the Digitakt’s audio out ports and not use Overbridge. For example I took the Digitone (my fav device) to the sofa and became really creative in that space and thought how can I record this. I did try to my iPhone but getting stuff off that is a pain too and it was a video record and not a nice .wav.

I’ve read some use their trusty old Zoom H2 etc and then master the wav in Ableton which sounds great to me. I don’t mind using Ableton to master tbh as I know you can’t be completely DAWless. I only have Ableton Intro though is that enough?

Anyway what other reasonably priced audio recorders would you recommend?


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