What machine for good chords

Hi guys,

I need a machine/vst for really good chords like this https://soundcloud.com/damagemusicberlin/alexander-kowalski-chordmode-1

I was trying to get something similar out of the A4 but it’s not what i’m looking for, sounded a bit too harsh.

So i was wondering what you guys mostly use for chords.


I forgot which machine was used to produced those chords.
It’s a well know sample.

But for Chords…try to get an Nord Lead 2.
Capable of many different sounds.

If you’re look for a nice poly synth module, one great option is the Mutable Instruments Ambika.

Check this demo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EsrRIxwBt44

I’m selling mine: FS (US): Mutable Inst. Ambika

monomachine with outboard or an analog filter
korg poly 6 vst - with a nebula filter and tube compression impulses , sounds better than the real deal
a4 should be fine for chords
how about analog monopoly or Juno samples into the a4 filter

actually anything polyphonic should do the job
i find a4 also great for this type of chords
use osc1 with subosc 5th and tune osc 2 to -4 (semitones)
so you get a minor chord (if you play C key it will sound F minor)
you can even write p-locks to get different minor/major chords - all in one voice
have fun

thanks, i’ll try that out !

Thanks guys, well i maybe buy an Nord lead in a coulple of months.
The new 1 is a little bit out of budget :stuck_out_tongue: but the nord 2 should do the trick

Thanks for the info, i’ll look up the korg vst.

Sounds great, too bad i’m in Europe… Transport would cost too much :frowning:

I’m kinda wondering why you can’t achieve this on the A4? I mean the link to ‘chordmode’ if that’s what your trying to achieve, it’s a pretty basic chord progression using simple chord voicings easily within the A4’s grasp.

What do you mean exactly by it sounded ‘too harsh’ on the A4? You can filter the edges of your chords, add a bit of verb and delay to sweeten them. Build your patches with triangle waves, try band pass instead of Lowpass on filter 2, go easy or use zero distortion, don’t max your OSC levels, etc, etc.

In fact if you dig into some of the new presets that came in the last update, I’m pretty sure there’s a bunch of great chords, keys, stabs, etc that you could start from…

Gonna have to toss in a vote for Blofeld.

It’s just ok for most things but for chord sounds, pad chords, etc, it’s a beast.