What is your favorite cheap 80s/90s 0.5U (Multi-) FX unit?


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REX50 is looking awesome!! Like the style a lot!

Thank you for suggesting so many interesting little boxes everybody!
The Sony sounds tempting but is honestly way too expensive for what I intend to do with it. Nice hack with the “broken” ones but regarding my luck … I would probably get a really broken one.

So, VF-1, SE-50/70 seem to be the perfect fitting candidates.
Oh yeah and the Quadraverb … had expected that. Well, it is definitely a yes in the future when there is more space or things are rearranged.

And the REX50 must come to my house no matter what. In doubt DT or DN have to go if necessary … nah j/k :wink:

The Ensoniq looks amazing! Price and 2 HE is not for me though but still a fascinating machine!

The HRMP5 is a beautiful machine, but it is of a fiddly quality IMHO. It eats batteries for breakfast, but apart from that it did die on me. I see a lot of problems with others too, also other Sony fx. Strange really. And a shame, because it’s a unique machine. Sought after too, btw.


I love mine, they’re definitely worth buying as long as you can accept that they’re likely to give you grief at some point. It seems like Sony poured a bunch of money into pro DSP in the early 90s, especially when you look at the insanely overspecced 1u series racks that came out around the same time.


The mid 80’s Boss “dash 10” micro series are cheap as free chips.
RRV-10 reverb goes for $100. Worth it for the ancient Gated reverb alone

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Oh yeah, nothing is more 80s than gated reverb. Great suggestion. thanks!

Boss RSD-10!


I found some notes I made on another forum about the HR-MP5. I too complained about its reliability (as well as the Roland SRV-3030).

Usable in the studio, but not reliable enough for gigging.

Any opinions on the Roland DEP-5?

My REX-50 just arrived. Although it sums the “stereo” input to mono, I’m impressed with its sound. I’ve only sent bleepy filter pings through it so far, but I expect it will stand up to comparison with the Space and Octatrack’s 'verbs. It doesn’t sound like an Eventide or the OT, but such comparisons would be serious, not tongue-in-cheek jokes.

As far as robustness goes, while the HR-MP5 is a delicate flower that should never leave the studio I suspect that the REX-50 would be more than adequate as a personal defense weapon. In a brawl against an opponent armed with an Eventide, I’d bet on the REX-50.

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Have you ever used the vocoder on the se-50? If so, I’d be curious to hear your thoughts.