What is this dtsnd files my digi speaks of?

@DaveMech am I wrong about this? I remember you talking about the way digitakt stores sounds but I can’t find the specific post, isn’t it mostly a reference system for accessing the original sample/wav along with the set of parameters as opposed to a new wav file?

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You’re right of course about the 128 sounds/project limit.
I probably didn’t explain well my goal because I do not know the exact term.
What are the banks (A, B, C…) called (Bank+trig 9-16) we enter when choosing a sound (func+encoder) ?
That is where I would like to upload the samples to via transfer.

I succesfully did that on the ST, and it’s awesome to have those banks as “instrument drawers”.
e.g. All kicks (usually on track 1) in Bank A, all snares (t 2) in Bank B and so on. Makes looking for suitable (or replacing) sounds in the same category a breeze.

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That makes sense, but for digitakt 9-16 is midi banks, but I think I understand that you’d like to catalogue the sounds in a way to store and access them in a more reasonable way. I’d like to do that too :slight_smile:

I think there still is a misunderstanding. If you hold fun+enc it shows the sound pool, right?
Then, when you release func, you can access (sound/sample?) banks via “bank”+ trig 9-16.

You’re talking about the sound browser encoder? When you turn it, it accesses the sounds.

Or are you speaking of the encoders on the right side?

nevermind I see what you mean. after accessing the sounds you go to the banks with 9-16, I was reading you wrong. sorry.

Yes, the encoder above func.
Then in a 2nd step access Bank A-H as described above.

Here’s a screenshot of the transfer app for clarification. This is where I would like to upload my samples. But it doesn’t accept .wav files. Hence the wish to convert them to sounds.

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yes, if you could catalogue them from this point it would save a lot of work.

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Exactly :hugs:

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I honestly don’t remember the specific because I can’t find the post, but there is a unique labeling system, something the machine applies to make the sounds unique from each other to have a nondestructive alteration of the original sample. My concern (in hoping this will become available in the future) is that I don’t understand how the computer and digitakt would work together to make sure the sounds are assigned in a way that there is no overlap. Perhaps my understanding was incorrect, but I think that was the basic idea, there is no duplication, everything is saved as a new version.

Probably a case for

If transfer can access/utilize digitakt memory as part of the creation process (hooked up to USB during the conversions) that would be good, who knows maybe it will happen one day? I’m not going to sell my digitakt any time soon, I can wait for now :slight_smile:

Yeap, correct. It generates a # based on the waveform. This is why you can freely move samples around on the plus drive without messing projects up or back them up to a computer and re-transfer them into DT without breaking projects.

The above idea for wav files to be converted into sounds is neat but it’s not really what a “sound” represents in the Elektron world.

Really what the definition of a “sound” is in Elektron world is the collection of parameter settings across the sound parameter pages (so sans the TRIG page) and on some elektron boxes (synths), anything related to a sound like midi mod matrixes, drift on/off etc etc.

On Elektron samplers it is the same, it contains all parameter page parameter settings. With one exception being the sample slot. In stead of saving the original sample a lot number, it references a sample on the +drive that will be imported into a free sample slot when loading a sound.


This is what I was remembering. Thus, it is machine specific correct? (meaning: my machine, my “sounds”)

Ah eh no :slight_smile:

It’s really based on the waveform of a sample. You can save a project via transfer and send that to anyone and they’ll be able to load it. Though of course project files nowadays also contain the used samples hehe. And this is referencing samples, not sounds :wink:

“Samples” and “sounds” are different things entirely basically.


Right, sample is an audio file, sound is a parameter cluster.

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I thought, that maybe converting could simply mean adding default values with all the parameter infos to the .wav (and changing the file-format ofc.)
But I guess the #-system means the transfer app would need to counter check with the machine before it can assign that number to avoid using already taken #s?

Ah yeah, anything is possible I guess.

Could just be that when you drag a wave on a sound slot it uploads the sample to a default folder. If it recognizes the waveform it will just make that sound reference the already existing #.
It does already check when importing samples the normal way. Can’t upload duplicate samples because of that.

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As is, the transfer app doesn’t even show the .wav files on the left side (desktop) when choosing “sound” on the destination side (right). So, no drag and drop, unless I misunderstand you and this is only hypothetical.
Well, I posted in the transfer feature request thread. Maybe there is hope they will expand the app funcionality in the future. Much potential there. Best case scenario an expanded native elk-herd like thing :wink:

Indeed :wink:


Thanks Dave.

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