Sorry if this question has already been answered in a previous thread. I recently tried to mount my AR to an ET- 1 which also holds my A4, but the screws do not fit into the AR slot. I know others had mention similiar issues in previous posts but I never followed it for expalinations/ answers. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
M3 screws. it is the stand screw for elektron devices, the problem is thepaint is on the threads to you have to tap the screw holes.
Thanks Dimi3
You glad you made the move to the AR?
Absolutely Shortly after I got it, I was offered some drum programing sessions using the AR, and some percussion type sounds, designed/ created with the A4.
It was a good move for me
Yeah I’m a bit miffed about the screw issue. I noticed yesterday that one of my Marmot side cheeks wasn’t flush so I tried screwing tighter but really couldn’t get it any further without stripping the screw. What happens if I break the head off the screw and the screw body gets stuck in the hole? Will Elektron send me a new unit? Doubtful.
Exercise caution.
If you want to do it right you need get a M3 tap.
would re-tapping it cause any material to come off inside the case?
another user mentioned turning the screw a 1/4 of a turn and backing it out to essentially clean out the threads
So if you use a tap the have a little bit of grease that the particles cling to so nothing should get in there.
The 1/4 turn technique is basically tapping the hole aswell.
The right equipment is recommended.
From the FAQ:
"What type of screws is used for the rack mount kit?
The screws the rack ears use are M3x6 with a Phillips or Pozidriv screwhead. Do not use longer screws and do not use Torx heads as you may easily damage the threading."
^^You’re missing the point. I was sent M3 screws by Marmot, and he’s sent those exact same screws to everyone who has ever ordered side cheeks from him. No issues with all existing machines.
When I tried to use them, I noticed immediately that they were sized incorrectly. I went to the hardware store and bought a fresh set of M3 screws with Phillips head. Still had issues.
He told me that I am not the only one to experience this issue. There are several threads on this forum about this.
So it has nothing to do with using the “right equipment.” It has everything to do with the “right equipment” not being “right.”
I am not sure why that would be the case. I have always used torx screw but… I tend to tighten them with my fingers. I also use long shaft torx for sensitivity
I’m sorry, this particular problem was new to me.
I just replied to the question in the thread (sic!) title.
Like with the screw reverse the turn until the tap clicks and then slowly forward turn the tap until it is complete.
Watson usually sends out the correct screws with factory EIT-1 units. The reason you can’t go over 6mm length is because the screw holes are up against the edge of the pcb and longer ones will break this. Not much clearance!