What is the Best Musical Advice You've Ever Gotten?

Write 10 ideas, spend no more than one to two hours per idea (be strict). Only finish the best ideas (normally one or two). Repeat.

I have found this by far and away the best way to finish music.


What if you have no good ideas :frowning:
…should I refer to post 216?

we had a compositional assignment in class once to use ‘only volume changes’ to create the structure and compositional form of the piece. volume automation, essentially. It really rubbed off on me, and now it’s pretty much my main compositional tool. Whatever the audio is, I go to town on fades, long fades, making sure every clip is tip top. but I guess essentially that is mixing to some degree.

but yeah, volume. people talk about effects and other production plugin etc etc, but you can get a long ways just by changing levels.


Try this system, I promise you it will bring out your best.

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That’s kinda what I do…but none have been worth finishing. I have approx 6000 catalogued since 2001. :grimacing:

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16? Could’ve sworn there’s only 12


A friend who is a professional sound engineer told me that compressor in the mixing stage is often unnecessary, volume automation is a better tool for the job. Thus i never learned how to use a compressor in mixing, hah.


I have one of those but I added a D here and there so no one would notice.


Yeah, I don’t know why I confused those two.

I even googled it to make sure.

And ultimately, I still wrote 16. Perhaps its wishful thinking. Maybe an OS update to present 4 more notes to the chromatic scale


I thought of another one.

“If it sounds good quiet, it will sound good loud. The opposite isn’t always true.”

This one makes your music sound better and has a bonus side effect of protecting your hearing.


Work quickly when starting a track and try not to dwell too much on detail until you think the track is a keeper.


If my friends are always up for forming bands I wouldn’t have this problem!

Yeah, I’ve been reaching out to people for the last 10 years or so and vague interest expressed but no real bites or serious interest. I do have a very productive friend who’s moved a state over from me and that’ll turn fruitful at some point in the year, but I’ll need to try and figure out where I can place ads in the vague Seattle area that might get some response.

I’m a part of a performance collective and have gigs with them but would have more luck approaching someone paying their dues as a side-hustle instead of those older composer-friends trying to pay the rent with their art :wink:

“How can less be more? More is more!”


Less = productivity
More = let’s rearrange the studio again


never bring up the topic of the ‘running man’ to someone who’s shuffling in the studio, it’ll ruin the whole session :joy:

1 - It’s about the tracks.
2 - record everything.
3 - be ruthless with editing.


record everything!!!
record everything!!!record everything!!!record everything!!!record everything!!!record everything!!!record everything!!!record everything!!!record everything!!!record everything!!!record everything!!!record everything!!!record everything!!!record everything!!!record everything!!!record everything!!!


Limitations will help you become more creative.


Kenny Beats: Don’t overthink shit! :slight_smile:

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OG: “Handle your business”

Me: ‘yessir but umm which business in particular are you talking about sir?’…

OG: oh you think this is a game?, this ain’t a game boy handle your business, it’s real out here!!

so now I’m handlin my business, out here in these streets , with these beats, wearing a pair of cleats, lookin for somethin to eats :joy: