Just had a jamming session and hooked my Analog 4 in midi from one of my keyboard (so the keyboard, was in master sending Midi to the A4 for Track 1 in MIDI Channel 1). Simple.
I had a nice effect on the A4 with three knobs sending MIDI control message in 51, 53 and 54 respectively. Wanting to know what was affected in the A4, I didn’t see any of the values on any A4 screens being changed… strange. (If I take another CC message, like 72 (referenced in the manual), then I see the change live on the A4 screen (here 72 is for pulsewidth OSC 1)
Moreover, I did not found any MIDI controller 51, 53 and 54 referenced in the A4 manual (the list of MIDI stuffs at the end of the manual).
My guess is that the effect is related somewhat to the phase (start etc…) of the oscillators, but seems not documented.
Anyone as a guess what MIDI CC 51, 53 and 54 control on a give A4 sound track ? Or maybe I missed something ?
indeed- intriguing ! - e.g. when taking cc51 it takes me a few swipes of the fader to raise the filter 2 frequency, this is because it is ramping up the fine value and if you have a hpf(default) it will eventually filter all sound (this is for a clear new sound)
i don’t use high res cc control myself (i use nrpns), but i wonder if this is how it is meant to be implemented, strikes me as being buggy if you can use the lsb value to do this ! (ref D-5 in pdf)
It’s my opinion that this is a bug, and I’ve forwarded that along with my request to Elektron that the parameter value should also be shown when controlling a parameter externally, currently it only updates the slider/knob, not the value (which normally takes en encoder press/turn to reveal) !
I also made a case again for recording realtime parameter control via external cc (or nrpn), so, not the anomaly spotted above, but take CC77 - it should make no difference whether i realtime record the Encoder E on OSC1 Page 2 or CC77 data fed in from an external source - both affect the sound engine !
Elektron said they hadn’t anticipated this CC being individually used except as part of the pair it was intended to be sent within, so it’s a quirk, but i think it will be tidied up, watch this space