What if…? Elektron made an SP-404 type device…

The book says Dilla made Donuts in Protools.

That’s also what it sounds like, IMHO.


Well, that’s because it isn’t a Digitakt replacement. As mentioned in another thread, and explained very well by @jemmons, the SP is phrase sampler with an effects engine designed for live performance and recording. It’s not a synth - style sampler. It’s not and never was a Digitakt replacement.

Gonna agree to disagree on that.

Pretty sure most of the people who dismissed the SP after 3 weeks didn’t even explore the amazing DJ mode.

I don’t know what people mean by deep, but it seems pretty deep to me.

That’s probably what they will eventually do and charge $800.

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myth busted - but i think it actually underlines the point that they are not real composition tools

Myth busted, but to say they are not real composition tools is a stretch.

i guess im just echoing what @Stlaub was saying above - the feature set is not really geared toward generating original material but is more dj-oriented, which to me makes them handy as performance playback tools but a nightmare in the studio.

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Myth busted … but it doesn’t matter because there since have been people who composed on an SP.

But not really drum and bass

I don’t know about Donuts but Dark Side Of The Moon was recorded on a dictaphone…

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No cables = using it way more often away from the studio. One device. On the couch. No awkward solutions. It’s 2023. Pick up and play. :fire:


Well, for me sequencing on an SP is kind of awkward, so this might very much be a ymmv thing.

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Same with sequencing on the OP-1. Which is why we need cordless Elektron :sunglasses:

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If Elektron upgraded the digitakt and added stereo sampling, more internal memmory and an SD card (and a battery option for good measure). Hell, throw it in a plastic case with a metal top like Roland and Korg do to keep the price down.


I’d be happy with being able to sample to a pad just by holding it down, like the Octatrack or Koala sampler.


my god, if the three second process of plugging in a battery is stopping you from making music you might want to do some self-reflection lmao its zero effort :rofl:

You’re still plugging in headphones so ‘no cables’ is a dream you’ll never fulfill.

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…then, a sp404 like thing would finally sound decent and truu pro…

The path of least resistance. If I’m balancing the device and a battery pack in my lap I’d rather just go into my studio.

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For the truly zen wire free experience, I just sit with my Digitakt, no battery pack, no headphones, the only limit in that setup is literally your imagination.



I think elektron doesn’t have a very good experience with selling batteries. The model cycles batteries had to be sent back Iig I am correct