What happens at the Elektron Studios?

Makes sense to me.

If/when I’m going to launch < insert secret project here >; I’m moving to Berlin, capital of the electronic music world, and opening a little shopfront / workshop so cats can come down and check out < insert secret project here > in person, demo it, have it presented etc.

You can all pop in to say hi and grab a coffee :slight_smile:


You would probably make much more money selling coffee than synths these days. Its legalised drug dealing
I like my synths but I love coffee :coffee::coffee:


Jumbo flat white double shot with two thanks :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Coming right up!


Awesome! I’ll take you to a nice bar. But why wait?? :smiley:

Awesome :slight_smile:

No money.

Therefore no time to concentrate on development / testing; as I’m too busy having to work and do various other things to pay rent, bills and put food on the table.

Additionally the last few months have been very rough; so once I finally get home; I’ll be going on a road trip and having a good period of reflection.

I’ve got a couple of ideas floating around. One of which I know would be awesome… but very hard to pull off.

But if I could… would be awesome for all involved, both internal and external stakeholders, and humanity in general.

Pretty ominous, no? :open_mouth:


I work for a big (italian) espresso company, and I can confirm - it´s more money than you can keep track of.
(literally, sometimes.)

drug dealers are jealous of us because we get health insurance :stuck_out_tongue:


let me know when you get things off the ground and need a German native speaker for… anything. (customer service/marketing background)


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Hasn’t he already moved to Berlin?

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Email from Elektron today: opening of Elektron Studios on 8 May (the evening before Superbooth 19 opens). Lucy, The Allegorist, and Auvrel performing.

“The flourish of the day will see the introduction of another Elektron family member to those present.”


Diaried :smiley:

Any idea how I can find more info about the event? I think I’m not on the mailing list that you’re on.

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The opening is an invite only event due to the small size of the place. There will be a lot of different exciting activities happening in that space in the future that will be open for everyone. Panel discussions, workshops and small shows.

Cenk @Dataline is head of the space and maybe can chime in with some more info?


Good luck guys!!!

Yea! We are gearing up to the ‘opening party’ which happens right before Superbooth19! As Olle has mentioned, we have capacity of 150 - 200 people and therefore we had to keep the very first event ‘private’. Our intention is that the future events will be open to public.

There are lot of plans and activities coming up for this space and the energy is very nice! Hopefully, many of you will be able to join us in the coming times!

More info will be coming in the coming weeks. Stay tuned! So looking forward to sharing with you all…


Looks like I’m gonna have to come back to Berlin at some point! Sweden too, of course, I had such a good time there.

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Well i am in Hamburg, guess this is one more reason now to visit Berlin!

Somehow everybody ignored the part with “The flourish of the day will see the introduction of another Elektron family member to those present.”

Usually that would spawn a thread with 300 replies in :kissing_heart:

It’s all happening in the Superbooth 19 thread.


Great i stayed away from that…

Yes, dont Go there, If you are guilty of GAS…