What compressor for these sounds?

Hi there.

I am currently upgrading my studio. I’ve sold my UA LA610 and am looking at a new stereo pre/comp combo, either channel strips or separate units.

Someone tried a Fatso for me on these stems and I didn’t like it. See, I already have a lot of character and ambience and “warmth” in my stems, that’s just how I engineer them. I use outboard to get a feeling with them.

So, these stems are a generic assortment of the types of sounds I’d make.

What comps would YOU use on sounds like this? I’m looking for something on individual stems and buss duties. Not fussed about the master buss at this stage.

Here’s the SC link and if you need the actual stems there is a link to them below. I’d love to get your opinions.

They are un-EQ’d and no ITB FX.



Most people are looking for a comp to bring out the texture in their highs and definition in their mids- I think you actually need more low end definition than anyrhing (your mid and highs are surprisingly well defined without EQ).

Of course, a touch of EQ here and there will level out your mix (possibly a overdrive/amp reduction on your bass buss too =) (or is that an old school intentionally clipped recording?)

To answer your question: I don’t know because I’m trying to do different things with my compressor than you need.

Thanks for the reply!

Sometimes there is distortion on the low-end and that is a result of pushing something a little hard into the ASR or tube pre or what not.

I agree, a smoother low end would be a better compliment, at least something to keep my ears out for.

I find I have to EQ after printing to get the bass I want, I think my ears get a bit excited by the mid/high freqs on the way in and if they are sounding good then they are happy.

Hmm… still got some decisions to make, Might swap the 610 out for a Rooster, or upgrade to 2-610 and add a comp… not sure.

I think you might be really apt, better attention to bass detail.

If I was upgrading to 610-2 I’d swap the tubes out this time for better precision in the bottom end.

How would one use a comp, in your experience, to get better and more extended low-end?

Bump for other opinions?


I understand, from your sound, why you didn’t like the Fatso, it goes for tape simulation so, enhancing more the 3rd harmonic, and your Sounds already have crispy and crunchy flavour. Also it is not intended as compressor per-se, it’s more like a finalizer…

I would go for a tube comp. I use (not mine unfortunately) the Thermionic Culture The Phoenix a lot…it’s awesome and gives a lot of body.

Don’t you like also the Distressor?
the EL8X version has a opto compressor simulation close to the Teletronix LA-2A…(that it’s awesome too, but it is a 3U rack for one channel…).
But go for the mono unit, not the stereo, if you can. I am always concerned about stereo version of an original mono one.
Also Distressor has a lot of feature that makes it a really good modern compressor with some mimicking of the older tube ones.

One more advice… a good spot to go would be for the series 500.
Get a rack and you can, step-by-step, fill it with at least 2 channel strips dedicated for recording and, why not, mixing master bus.

If you dont like the sound of a comp, you can trade/switch it for another one. A lot of hi-end manufacturers (API-CHANDLER-SSL-NEVE-ELYSIA…more’n’more) are converging on this approach building A LOT of different modules.
Empirical Labs too…

Hi there. Thanks for the reply.

Yeah there’s too much atmosphere and too many transients in how I engineer for the Fatso.

I am totally considering the Distressors but I am concerned about their 3rd harmonics also, though I know it is far more versatile a compressor.

I’m thinking two 6176, or LA 2-610 and two Distressors, or a Culture Rooster and no comp at this stage. (strike that I need a mic pre in there somewhere)

I don’t know if I mentioned it, but I’ve just sold my 610 and I’m pretty capable on it now. I need tube somewhere, it smooths out a lot of what I do in a pleasing and natural way.

The other thing that REALLY interests me is holding out for the new Warm Audio 1176 clones. Two of them for under $1500?

Also, I’m pretty curious to hear someone not advocating stereo comps. My bus channels are stereo and of course the MD and OT are also, as are some of the other synths and samplers I own.

I can’t see the value in a mono compressor when I am a stereo producer.

Feel free to elaborate.

I am not speaking of mono compressing.

I would simply prefer 2 Distressors instead of the double-size stereo unit.

You can always link them for stereo operation

Ah I see.

I don’t think they offer a single chassis dual-unit, I thought they just offered a linkable pair?

Anyway, good thoughts.

Ignoring your request for tubes – the Chandler Germanium comps are insanely flexible with a wide range of tonal characteristics to straight up transparent. I run a matched pair.

Low cut on the sidechain and a wet/dry mix knob are pretty much essential in my opinion.

Chandler is an awesome manufacturer!
And the Germanium Compressor would do a really good work on the audio programme from the opener.

About the stereo version of Distressor…i always thougth there was one produced. Maybe i just got confused by the pictures…bhò?!