What are your favorite free VSTs (Instruments and Effects)?

how do you do that?
btw thanks for mentioning the functional demo, for some reason I assumed license is required but wouldn’t pay 150 euro for something I don’t fully understand, but this sounds like a nice technique, driving the mix into something that emulates saturating to a physical medium, I don’t see though how can you overheat, the temp is not controllable…

Try ruina from NE on drums my god i have a 808 that sounds like nothing else. :rofl:

Thanks man this is some gold right here.

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The circuit breaker trips as one of the default settings if your mix provokes the lathe to overheat because it’s making cutting the groove unfeasible (the point is that you’re not in control of the temperature as such)

ah, I thought I’ve missed something… but I can “break” the breaker only with adding gain, so I’m kinda confused how this is helpful, I mean, should I take it down to a point where it doesn’t break? that’s supposed to be “a good overall level” point?

I tried watching their introduction video but couldn’t figure out what exactly am I looking at with all the grooves simulations and all, I think this is a great plugin but have no idea how to properly use it, do you have any video or something you can recommend to watch it in practice?

Well, for me it’s the why the gain sets it off, because it’s not invariably at the loudest point of a mix but can be because there’s an overload of treble and bass information at a certain point. I didn’t actually watch the videos, just been learning from my mistakes. We mixed a band album for vinyl only release a few years ago, and I wish I’d had this then because I think we could have made the tracks rather hotter instead of following the presser’s fairly conservative instructions.


Im certainly interested in this topic but there is much to it.

I have a problem with the virus emulation, I have made presets but how do I load them? They are sysex and sitting in my project folders my banks are full. :unamused:

Bom Shanka Machines OccularScope
Polyverse Wider
TAL Vocoder, Filter-2, Reverb-4, Chorus-LX
Tokio Dawn Labs TDR Nova, TDR VOS SlickEQ

And many already mentioned, especially Synth1, Vital, Span, SuperMassive…

DSP56300 emulator is free, but Virus roms are not, unless you actually own a Virus.

I read your post 6 hours ago. After getting these and the firmware and such installed, I’ve been playing these three emulators for HOURS.

In short: Thank you! I had no idea these existed and I have had serious Virus lust for a loooooong time.

Other free ones I like a lot are the u-he freebies, Zebralette, Triple Cheese, and to a lesser extent, Podolski.

I use Dexed a ton for DX-7 emu. Valhalla, yes.

Pretty much paid for all my other go-tos.


You’re very welcome. I found out through a YouTube recommendation about the Waldorf microwave version they’re working on and had the same reaction as you.
Everyone needs to know about this project not all is it amazing for us to get ahold of these instruments for free it’s also super important for the preservation of these synths as time goes on. It’s not like the synths from the 60s-70s and 80s where most things are physical electrical components that are often fairly common. With the digital VAs of the 90s-2000s often when some board or whatever goes then that’s it, they’re often full of custom components that are no longer made. I lost my Alesis ion and Nord lead 2 to issues like this and neither were repairable, so if we want to still have access to these synth engines in the future this is the kind of project that will make that happen.

what dsp56300 has done with the emulations is more than ingenious

the xenia (waldorf microwave xt emulation) is in the works to come next

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