Werid thing happening with function + scale setup

i’ve been working on some songs i want to extend, so i hold [function] + [scale setup] to extend the sequence and nothing pops up on my screen? its super werid and very annoying.

That is very weird indeed…I hope it’s not a bug. Sorry to not be of much help. Try entering test mode? If it says it’s fine and problems persist, save your snapshot, upload your sysex and do a factory reset.

Though don’t jump on that too quickly. Other users might have better advice :stuck_out_tongue:

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actually, this might be the prob: so, the scale setup key is alot harder to push down than the other buttons on the mnm, so i thought maybe it was stuck? if thats possable :persevere:

All the buttons on the unit should have the same feel when pushing them. If the scale button is harder to press, it’s likely the button is not functioning properly. Contacting support is a good idea.

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thanks so much but, i just got it working!