since a couple of days i have a weird problem with the sixth track of my monomachine mk2. I don’t get out a sound anymore with it. I even can’t trigger sounds chromatically with the buttons whilst all other Tracks are working like a charm!
Any suggestions on whats the matter with this issue? Any help would be appreciated.
Since I’m not sure what you’re level of experience is, here is what I would do to check the channel:
-Check Global settings to confirm that audio outs for channel six are being sent to the outputs being monitored.
-Change the sound on channel six and confirm that it’s not an effect, that the volumes are turned up globally and within the sound, and that the track is not muted.
-Trig notes in the middle C range to ensure the sound is not pitched so high or low as to be inaudible.
If all that has been tried and is not working, Pg 110 of the manual describes options such as Soft Reset, Factory Reset, and hardware checks. If that doesn’t seem to help it may be a hardware issue for the pros.
thanks for the advice and sorry for the late reply. I’ve already tried several things and could locate the problem only appearing on global slot 1. There seems to be some weird adjustments i’ve mistakenly made and can’t delete again…
Global Slot 5 works as there has not been any problem ever since and I’m already working on the next project. Thanks again for your help, i really appreciate it!
Hi all. Sorry to revive an old post. But I have a similar issue, and I wonder whether anyone ever worked out the cause and how to find it?
I’ve had my Monomachine for 3 weeks and I’ve been loving it. But last night I came up on a strange issue.
My track 1 will no longer play. No sound will come from it even when I load a new sound or kit.
I’ve checked the audio routing and it’s to AB as normal. The volume has been checked etc.
Yesterday was my first time using both the song mode and midi in from the OT. Around the time when the issue started I had been playing patterns and flipping through the different kits.
I tried a soft reset but that didn’t work.
I switched to global slot 2 and everything works as normal, so it’s not like I can’t use it properly, but it’s still an annoyance, and I don’t want to keep coming up against it until I’m out of globals
Check the kit setup for track one in that kit. What output pair is the machine sent to?
Anything other than AB won’t be heard in headphones. There’s creative ways of using this. (Routing specific tracks to an fx track or external send) but if you’re not really aware it can trip up a noob.
Page 24 in the manual explains kit machine routing.
I haven’t gotten mine to not play track 1, but I have gotten it to not play tracks 4-5-6. There is a Monomachine bug where if you set the base midi channel too high, the later tracks won’t play. Maybe there’s also a midi channel configuration that would disable track 1 from functioning as well.
Compare midi settings between global slot 1 and 2, I suspect if you start copying them across the bug will present itself.
The fact that this first started when I set my MNM to access midi Clock and transport from the OT makes when wonder if it’s related to that? I’ll do some investigating and report back if I ever work it out.
Shouldn’t be. Are you sure you’re not sending encoder data out of the ot that’s messing with the Monomachine? Remember all the tracks of the ot and mm have midi channels that can send and receive on so if you have them overlapped or you don’t turn off data transmission you could be messing up boxes down stream from one midi out to the next device in a chain. Always a good plan to map out your global settings for each box when building a rig.