Wave Tools for Digitakt

What’s this?


Yea? WTF.

LOL just saw this and ran straight here… is an actual synthesis machine coming?? :face_with_monocle:

Where’s this from? Looks like something for playing around with single cycles and overtones.
I remember Ess mentioning he was doing something like this a while ago.

From Ess’ IG

Somewhere (maybe the Cuckoo interview?) Ess talked about a tool for making single cycle waveforms to load into digitakt for using it as a synth. I suspect this is it. Interface looks beautiful af.

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Wow! Looking forward to this.

This is one of two single cycle waveform generators for the Digitakt/Rytm/M:S that I have been working on. Basically they just spit out a wave file which you can upload to your device and set it up as a basic wavetable synth.

This one focuses on additive synthesis and is pretty straight forward. The other one uses math functions and is great for sharp timbres.

Will be available soon for Win/Mac, and it will be free.


It looks like it will be a bit of software to run on the computer. Especially with the layout. I don’t think it will be on-board the DT as it feels like some of you are getting hyped up about.

E: hivemind. Someone just answered a confirmation on that right above me.

Still very cool to be able to make some unique waveforms and save them for use on the DT/AR/other samplers.

Ha I admit any hint the DT might get actual synthesis capabilities gets me unreasonably excited.

This is great too though.

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That is really generous and awesome @Ess!!!
Thank you!

can it be built for GNU/Linux as well?

edit: Nevermind, saw in the screenshots it is Max MSP based…

Great news, very generous.
Been digging into using single cycle waves on Rytm and they sound great through analog filters.

Any plans to add DT start/len option to Rytm as opposed to start/end to open up the sonic flexibility?
Or more fine grained control of start/end to avoid annoying clicks?

Well you just made me a happy boy! :slight_smile: Thank you

making this native to the digitakt would be a monumental gamechanger