Crazy but it works!
Crazy but it works!
Nice! How many hours of playtime can one expect with this battery powering the AR?
wait what, it powers the AR (and possibly also the A4?) through the USB-port or am I missing something?
I bought a OXA 30000mah battery recently for use with the A4 and it’s ridiculously good. I was playing for hours and I didn’t even loose one battery LED worth of life (there are four, so not even 25%).
best price I could find for it:
Cool! Will this work for OT or MD as well?
I got 2 hours of play and USB: uploading samples… 375
These power bricks come with a power adapter which works with the A4 and AR. the OT,MM, and the MD are 6v and this battery does’t go down to 6v, just 9v and 12v.
As far as I’m aware the Tekkeon MP3450i is the only commonly available battery that will do 6v at the required amperage for those devices.
As far as I’m aware the Tekkeon MP3450i is the only commonly available battery that will do 6v at the required amperage for those devices.[/quote]
based on reading the specs it looks Like it will work fine. maybe not more the 2 hours I would guess
Did the product ship with the appropriate cable to connect to the AR?
yes… it has a 12v cable
Yeah, mine arrived in the mail this week…works fine :]
cooool! might have to get 2 for the AR and A4
I got 2 hours of play and USB: uploading samples… 375
don’t understand this?
sorry i don’t get it you want to do what with usb?
I think he means the battery lasted for 2 hours, and in the span of those 2 hours he uploaded samples as well, which could drain the battery even more (?)