Wanna get high tonight?

Here’s how, it’s really trivial

  1. create a four note arpeggio, adjust offsets to taste, set speed to 1/8
  2. set a trig on step one of your pattern, length 16, press play
  3. tweak the parameters of your sound to taste, I recommend low sustain, short release
  4. add plenty of chorus, reverb, delay
  5. set both LFOs to slow speed and odd values for phase
  6. place trigless trigs on steps 2-16 (func+trig), parameter lock the s#it out of everything there is, like LFO target, filter settings, algorithm, mix - you name it
  7. play with the parameters live (slowly change mix or the operator envelopes on page Syn2)

Enjoy! What a great box.


Will try tomorrow, post a vid in the meantime please! I’m at work :sob: