Waldorf Pulse 2 Midi Sequencing


i got my Octatrack yesterday (what a versatile beast) and it´s working fine with my Analog Rytm and Analog Keys. Both devices are plugged into the Octatrack Inputs and are connected via midi and are defined as Thru-Machines.

Now I added my Waldorf Pulse 2 into my setup but something goes wrong - i don´t hear a Sound.

The OT Midi Thru goes into the Waldorf Pulse 2 Midi In and I selected Channel 11 on both Machines but nothing happens when i drop some trigs in the step sequencer (Midi-Mode is on).

I´m sure it´s a beginners-error but i hope someone can help.

Try OT MIDI Out to Pulse MIDI In first. After that, we will need more details of your set-up in order to help you.

The OT Midi-Out goes into the AR Midi-In and the AR-Midi-Out is plugged into the AK-Midi-In. Maybe i should try to plug the Waldorf Pulse 2 into the Analog Keys Midi-Out ?

I will try that and your advice tomorow and post my result.

Your set-up actually closely resembles that of forum member morgendugg, for whom I recommended a MIDI set-up in this thread:
I advise you to look at the configurations described in that thread, because they should be suitable for you. Obviously, you should replace morgendugg’s DSI Tetra with your Pulse 2, whose MIDI Out port you should set to function as MIDI Thru in the configuration that I suggested.
If you are unfamiliar with MIDI, I strongly suggest that you connect only two devices at first, then add the others when you are confident.

MIDI Thru only sends “thru” what comes via MIDI In. It doesn’t double as MIDI Out! Simple daisy chain should do the trick.

Octa MIDI Out > AR MIDI In > AR MIDI Thru > A4 MIDI In > A4 MIDI Thru > Pulse 2 MIDI In

Thx for the help.

I plugged the Waldorf Pulse 2 into the Midi-Thru of the AR and it´s working fine now. Is it better to take the Midi Thru of the AK (last device in the row) or is there no disadvantage?

It depends on what you are trying to achieve and exactly how your set-up is configured. You need to state these explicitly to allow us to advise you appropriately.