Waiting list length

anyone have an idea on the waiting list for the AK? i’m jonesing bad. and it’s either this or the A4.

all set to the pull the trigger today on an a4 _and_then_i_saw_this:

talking myself back into the AK; i figure i’ll eventually end up at the AK… why buy/sell and A4.

anyhow, back to the original question… anyone know how long the waiting list is? (and yes, i’m on the list AND i emailed elektron about it a few days ago).

Oh man. I shouldn’t have looked at this picture either… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’m trying to talk myself out of the AK. Trying to tell myself that the “logical”, “responsible” thing to do is get the casio PX 5s because it’s time for me to have a proper 88 controller which is also a good digital piano (instead of my 61 controller… i keep running out of keys). And i thought perhaps somewhere along the way i’ll add an A4. So i’m also trying to convinced myself the AK is just an A4 with added keys and a joystick (and 4 seperate outs… and a dedicated browsing dial… and… :dizzy_face: ).
But then the :imp: comes and tries to persuade me how nice and delicious the AK is as a whole package.
And then mister “logic” comes back and says: you’ve got a friggin’ GRP synth, vermona perfoumer, a Studio Electronics Omega 8… You don’t need another analog synth. It’s time for you to at least enjoy how you play and how playing feels - so the way to go is to get that Casio piano.
But then the :imp: comes back and says the A4\AK aren’t your ordinary analog synth. The important thing is the sequencer, and i can also use the 4 cv outs to control and sequence my GRP A4.

Anyway, right now it boils down to 2 options:

  1. Get the AK, and stay with the crappy 61 controller. Have a great new synth with interesting options on its own - and for controlling other synths, but giving up on having fun on the times i play piano parts and stuff like that.

  2. Get the Casio PX-5s, have a great feeling keyboard with very good sounds for those time i’d like to take it out for a jam - but keeping the idea of getting the A4 as a “maybe sometime”. So i’ll get a good keyboard - but get into a situation where the A4 idea isn’t certain (in any case, on this scenario i’ll try an go for the A4 and not the Ak.

So what do you guys think? AK ? Or Casio plus “maybe” an A4?

If you like to play piano, and will use pianos/EPs in your music you won’t be satisfied until you have an appropriate board. I’ve gone through this many times and after failing to be productive with makeshift options finally bought a nord for “playing”. It’s not considered part of the synth stable, which for many of us flip every so often. When I think about the $$ I wasted by not just buying a good DP to begin with…

But, if you’re just looking for a nicer controller, screw that and get the A4K. The sequencer will change your writing. Based on gear you listed, maybe you could sell the vermona and pick up the A4K and PX-5S.

FWIW I definitely preferred the sfx-6 to the sfx-60 plus controller, even though you don’t really lose any functions. Just felt more like an instrument I suppose, which is why I waited for the A4K.

Over my dead body, hehe :wink:
The Perfourmer mkii is a one of a kind synth that is capable of some fat creamy basses… Surprisingly, i thought that once i’ll get the GRP or Omega 8 - they’ll take some bass duties, but i just go for the Vermona when it comes to basses. Not to mention the leads and other stuff it can do. It is the synth daft punk tracks are made of (as a figure of speach).
But yeah, i’m understanding your point. It’s like the logic is telling me to go for the Digital Piano, but the “hard on” tells me to get the AK. I had a Nord Stage but sold it and eventually the money was used for buying the Omega 8. I’m not going to spend that amount of cash on a digital piano ever again. I think the PX-5s is just right, an excellent piece for 999$, and sounds good regardless of the low price. I think its electric pianos are right up there with nord’s, and the clav is even better (the B3 emulation isn’t, on the other hand), and obviously the synth engine on the PX-5s is ridiculously deeper than that on the Nord Stage.
All these decisions… I guess namm 2014 will make things even worse :dizzy_face:

This time of year prior to NAMM, are times I just collect interest on extra cash and make decisions thereafter. This time prior to NAMM you can find pretty great ebay deals with people saving for the ‘next big thing’ and more teasingly ominous, the unexpected.

Whatever’s under the frosted glass box could very well help you make the next chess move.