might be an answer for some with volcas:
if you own any elektron gear, you will detest the volca sequencer, I’m not sure why anyone would want to sequence with it
the two weak points for me in the volca series is the sequencer and the lack of some midi cc that I want
other than that, the sound for the money is quite great IMO
Yes, I can’t get my head around wanting to sequence like its 1984 myself.
granted I was using my OT before I got the Volcas but it was quite ridiculous trying to alter a sequence on them…as I said in my other post, I love the sound though
the exception being I think the snare on the beats is quite weak, the crash isn’t great either…layering the two is interesting
performance wise, the active step and step jump is kind of cool
all that being said, there is no doubt the analog sound you are getting far outweighs the cost of $149
The volca beats midi is all over the place. It seems ok for inputting daw info but I sure wouldn’t want to control a sampler with it.
Anyone have any luck controlling volume of a volca from Digitone MIDI track?
CC Selection there is a Main Volume, but it doesn’t seem to do anything. And the volca doesn’t appear to have any CC messages for volume.
Hi, if the Volca doesn’t have a dedicated CC you cannot control the parameter from external gear. The name of the CC value on the Digitone corresponds to the common use of this particular CC, but it doesn’t match every time, what really matter is the MIDI implementation of the slave device.
I only have the Volca FM and you can control the Velocity with the CC#41 though, not the same but still useful!
Nope, been looking for that too but I don’t think it’s possible, at least according to the Volca FM midi implementation chart.
Anyone have any tips for getting the Keystep to work properly with the Volca Keys?
I have a couple of issues:
(1) The arpeggiator (and probably sequencer) doesn’t work
(2) I have a handful of dead notes for some reason (the notes on either side work, so it’s not like I’m at a really high or low octave)
I checked that the Volca and Keystep were on the same midi channel (and hear most notes when I play). I also read that transport on the Keystep should be changed from CC to MMC. I did that. I also made sure that the dip switches on the Keystep were set to midi mode and not USB.
I’m not sure what else I would need to change in the Keystep software. I’m about ready to just give up and just use the ribbon slider and sequencer on the Volca.
One thing to check- when you power on the Keystep it defaults to ‘Transpose’ mode, meaning that pressing a key will only transpose the sequence and not play a note. You need to press Shift and Octave Up to put it into Play mode. Then you should be able to play the Volca Keys.
Definitely should work though! Hope that helps.
Awesome. Thanks. I’ll try that!
Make sure your Volca Keys is updated to the latest firmware dude!
Take this back pls
Good point. Hadn’t considered that!