I’m looking for a small voice processor with a de-esser, compressor, eq etc, and ideally, I’d like for it to be relatively small (half rack?).
I’ve been looking at the symetrix 528e, but again, it doesn’t fit the small size that I’m looking for. Any other recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
There is the Antares AVP but it is not 1/2 rack. I remember there being several similar products in the early 2000s but the names are not coming through.
I think it’ll be the Joe Meek ThreeQ. TC Helicon voicelive touch looked interesting, but a bit too much for my needs. Trying to figure out how I can use the eq/equipment gain +/- on the monomachine. My live rig consists of a flight case with a monomachine as the brain and the following:
monomachine as my brain (typically a low/mid/hi instrument as well as my vox)
sp606 (drums/sfx)
tetra (chords/bass)
space (reverb on tetra)
oto biscuit (process drums)
timefactor (process drums)
tubepre (mic pre for my vox before it enters the monomachine for processing)
Looking forward to replace the personus tubepre with the threeQ. Will post pics of it in the studio thread.
I was going to suggest the Three Q but didn’t because of the lack of de-esser, since that was the first requirement you listed, but if you can live without that it will probably serve you well.
I used to have a stereo compressor from Joe Meek’s half-rack range and, for the money, it was pretty amazing.
And after further research, I think the touchlive 2 is definitely the better buy. Does anyone know if you can remove the mic stand mount on the bottom? I’m afraid it won’t fit my case.