Virus occasionally starts the OT sequencer - need Help pls!

Hey Guys’n’Gurls,

I’m running into trouble. After a long while, the OT started calling me again and I freed up some time to give love to it. And my Virus TI.And the other Stuff.
First things first: The Setup:

Octatrack Autochannel on 9
Novation Circuit Ch1,2,10 (cannot be changed)
Virus TI in sequencer mode, so listening on 1-16, I use 3-8 and 11-15 usually
Novation RemoteSL on Channel 9

I’ll do a quick draw of the setup: (Damn fine Arts incoming)

Ok so everything is working so far, BUT… If on on Parts 3-8 on the Virus and I turn some knobs like Amp Envelope Attack, the OTs sequencer starts. While further rotating the Attack knob, the OT will change active Tracks and change a lot of other paramerts in the currently active audio track. And on these Tracks, Midi Learn via the CTRL1+2 is not possible, but is working on the parts using channel 11-16.
I do use the Launch Control XL to do the levels and muting-stuff

Any suggestions how to get rid of this? Need more Info?

Thx in advance.

Why are you send circuit and virus midi back to OT? Just curious as it seems strange to do that when OT is master for these devices.

To be able to use the Midi Learn Function and to record/automate their changes.

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I was afraid to have a virus in my Ot. :grin:
I’m quite sure your Virus is sending one of these CC :
59 | Note on (0=C-1, 127=G9)
60 | Note off (0=C-1, 127=G9)

Maybe you can set all audio tracks midi channels to off.

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You should compare the midi-implementation charts of OT vs Virus.

The OT reacts on many CCs, see OT manual Appendix C. If the Virus unintentionally sends CCs to the OT and the OT-audio section uses this as control-input … there you go :wink:

Check the OT “receiving” channels and the Virus “send” channel too. You can also prevent, that the Virus sends all those CCs … what you need is some kind of “midi-filtering”.

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I’m using the Faderbox for controlling levels and stuff… this won’t work when switched off. Can the OT be tought NOT to respond to these messages?

@SoundRider Yeah… so maybe that’s a case to make use of my old Raspberry V1. If I had the time for that ^^
The Virus in sequencer mode sends on the part’s channel. so this happens on channel 1-8, no matter what global channel is set in the TI…?

You can at least set the OT to neglect start/stop midi from external devices and AFAIK you can also make the OT ignore external CCs.

Did you check if the problematic CC is CC59 ?
If you can, don’t use that knob or filter it with a midi processor.
It is sent to autochannel ?
You can’t disable only one CC in Ot, nor start/stop function with midi notes control (CC59 act as notes).

ok so i just checked my Midi Settings in the OT:

going to investigate which message messes with me in a bit.

Not sure but try with CC Direct connect on.
This function always confuse me.

that’s what midiox says…

What is plugged in midi ox? OT ?
Tried to plug virus in it, turn only the problematic knob.

in OX, I listen to the Mergers output. so this is what happens when I turn the Amp Env Attack

B4 3B = Cc59 channel 5 as I supposed. :wink:

Is there anything one can do to avoid that? and also on some other knobs…

But this only happens on the audio-tracks, the upper channels are fine. that’s what I cant get my head around.

Can you use upper channels?

as I said, 11-16 are fine. 9 is OT’s Autochannel so I do not use it and 10 is beeing used by the drum part of the circuit, so I leave that, too.

So it would be ok with 11-16?

works, yeah. but beeing restricted to six voices when I planned with eight is… yeah, Guess I’ll have to arrange myself with that.

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Buy a DIGITAKT to add 8 channels ! :grin:

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