Any Vine users out there?
If not you should give it a swing. There is a pretty nice eurorack/gear /synth etc community that posts fun mini clips of the like. ( Just need to find them) There is also alot of nonsense, but that is not the point
Yeh I’m on Vine @glidepro and generally search the #elektron, #volca and other groovebox type tags to see what people have been up to - normally some inspiring stuff going on!
i’m ‘el jeffe’ and would love some vine love - i think its one of the most creative mediums there is right now.
perfect for loops
Yeah I’m on vine @darenager same as my twitter, if you follow me and make synth or other interesting stuff I will follow you too.
I added you. Nice to see some experimentation. I do similar stuff with various bits.
…Added you too. Cool idea with the cds, I’m gonna go do that for the stack of records I just dug.