
I’m a bit surprised that there are so few Analog Four videos on Youtube. I searched for a thread compiling videos but didn’t see any. Further, it’s interesting how few artists seem to be using the A4 live, but again, maybe I’m missing some?

Anyway, just taking it to the forum hoping to get some links/suggestions :slight_smile:


just look up cuckoo’s videos on youtube

Yeah, his are pretty good, but only a few are really lengthy tutorials. His OT vids are gold! :slight_smile:

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If you haven’t seen it already, check out Carl Mikael’s Cabinet of Curiosities.

It’s good to note that the workflow of the Analog Keys is all but identical as the Analog Four. Think of it as an Analog Four that has a built in midi controller. (I’m pretty sure the joystick is even programmed as though it were modwheel and breath controllers) This means that any tutorials for Analog Keys (Like Cuckoo’s) can be very easily adapted to the Analog Four.

Also, if you feel a need to see more videos, why not make some yourself? Teaching others is one of the best way to solidify something you yourself have learned.

Happy patching!


…and some features - like trig conditions - are similar between Rytm, Four and Keys. :smile_cat:

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Hi there @sellanraa !

I use A4 in all my videos. I don’t have any tutorials or anything but I’ll link you a channel to someone who does.

Here’s a guy from this forum who makes wicked tuts:

cheers !

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Thanks for the suggestions, hope they keep coming :slight_smile:

For the record, I’m not really new to Elektron or the Analog Four, but enjoy trying to watch vids from time to time to rethink my approach, discover new little tidbits, etc. I certainly appreciate the links.

Oh, perhaps a little more context - I periodically (every few weeks?) search around Youtube for new clips, and I had just been doing this the last couple days. Again, it goes back to my surprise at how few videos there are of the A4. So I just figured I’d check and see with the forum if I missed anything for some random reason.

Here is one I just finished creating. It uses analog, helix, elements, ableton gear. Enjoy!

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