Spawned from the hands-free sampling thread I decided to make a video explaining the basic process and a little demo of some of the cool stuff you can do.
I am aware you can ONLY use a flexmachine to do this, but for guitar parts it is very useful to have the overdub capability. I may likely do other videos on the topic based on any discussion around this. Give me some ideas and I’ll see what I can do!
Cool, i use some similar techniques, except that i let the Flex track listen directly to the recorder of the Pickup machine. So in this case i would have track 3 set to listen/play track 1.
The fun with that is that all ovetdubs are directly reflected on the other track/tracks… and it does not require any menu diving at all… except maybe for slicing, haven’t done that i a while…
To upside with your approach is that overdubs on the Pickup in NOT reflected an the flex track. Which allow you to record all stuff on one pickup and have older generations of the loop on other flextrack, giving a manual “undo” function of sorts…
Thanks for sharing
Thank you!
I am actually working on a video with a workflow similar to what you describe.
In this video I DO have a flex machine ready on track 3 though, with p-locks in place so I can instantly unmute that and have some cool new pattern based directly off what I JUST sampled.
However, I’m confused about what you’re doing with Track 1. You set Track 1 to a Flex Machine, then you change Track 1 to a Pickup Machine? That actually works??
This is great. The only issue I have is that you’re moving through the instructions really fast but the more I learn, the better I will understand what you’re doing. A written tutorial uploaded to the files section of this site would be a great companion piece to this. Nice job and thanks.
the two things i don’t get is why use a pickup machine instead of a flex machine. And why he triggers the rec CD button after sampling. Since he’s not in ONE2 manual rec sampling, he doesn’t need to stop the recording process. (maybe there’s something specific about pickup machines that differs from flex recording?)
@abnoureldin it’s explained in the video!
What don’t you understand?
I wouldn’t write a tutorial for that, because I think some things are wrong…
Basically a Pickup recording on track 1, with QREC to quantize recording start after REC1 button press.
The recording 01 is messed up with a Flex on track 3 (you can assign freely any of the 8 recording buffers to any track, any step).
Btw you don’t have to save or normalize the recording, it can be played automatically by track 3. At the beginning he set a Flex before changing it to Pickup, not needed too.
A Recorder with QREC (or one shot rec trig) and a Flex can do the same job.