Video - Marc und Moritz Live @ Kranhalle 25.10.13

Hey guys,

Finally we got a video done of our last gig:

I think it gives a nice impression of location and show/visuals. In the future, we’re going to also record voices etc. of all those people in the club (my tascam is able to record that also, but I chose the ‘secure path’).

As the people did enjoy the party but not really understand what we were doing on stage (“1 DJ, 1 VJ and what is the 3rd guy doing there?”), we now have the vision “even more live”! Live drumming (MD controlled via drum pads), live keyboard playing of bass lines etc. A lot was done live already (MD mostly in grid edit mode, melodies played on the A4’s mini keyboard, percussive sounds from a drum pad, voice samples, OP1 stuff), but it makes a difference whether you are clicking on a button machine or playing on a MIDI keyboard or playing complete grooves (except kick --> metronome) on drum pads. That’s where we now put most of our time into when practicing.

The VJ’s did a great job! They even installed a video camera! (next time from above, but was not possible at that event)

Enjoy :slight_smile:

Nice video guys … Good way to showcase and promote yourselves… I need to get video of some of my sets but it is hard to do when you are the one playing…

Thx :slight_smile: that’s our second nice video now.

Yes, you need one or better several people who record some video from different perspectives and maybe fixed cameras (which we don’t use yet). We could improve our syncing of audio and video, but then again I think that most people (except you guys here in the forum) don’t have a clue about what’s going on with those machines anyways. So, I think that having a video is more important than how well audio/video fit together etc.

Awesome Moritz :slight_smile: Glad things are progressing for you guys! Next I really hope you make one that has you trigging the MD with pads … I bet that will go over super well at the gig.

You do realize that you need the guy in the tree to be a guest vocalist during the show, right? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: