Very Elektron-like sequencer for Ableton

Sequencer-Ki updated to version 1.1

New features and improvements:

  • Probability per step. Random adjustment per track and individual adjustment for each step using envelope lane B.
  • Different playback modes per track: Forward / Backward / Ping-Pong / Ping-Pong Reversed / Random.
  • Copy/Paste data between tracks (notes and envelopes). Envelopes can be copied and pasted into any other envelope.
  • Resize sequencer window. Available zoom levels: 100% / 110% / 120% / 130% / 140% / 150% / 160% / 170% / 180% / 190% / 200%.
  • Auto-rename tracks based on Ableton Live Drum Rack names.
  • Random Note Length between 0 ms and 1000 ms.
  • The Link button allows changing more parameters at the same time.
  • Clearer indication of which parameters are locked.


  • Fixed a bug that made the Swing control at 100% equal to 0%.
  • Fixed the height of some controls when automating them with Ableton Live automation.

Updated PDF Manual

More info:


hi are there comprehensive videos of how all of this works on your site, and yes I’m about to head overthere, also would you say your sequencer has a better workflow than Elektron or maybe not so much?

I have never used an Elektron sequencer. The opinion that my sequencer is similar to Elekton’s is the opinion of a Secuencer-Ki user. Maybe Mistercharlie can answer your question. You can also check the manual to see all the features of Sequencer-Ki.

In the next few days I will upload a video showing the new features of version 1.1.


Definitely not better. P-locks are not anywhere near. But it’s a really nice step sequencer.

@killihu The auto-naming of sequencer lanes doesn’t work as expected. I put Sequencer-Ki first, then the drum rack right after, and clicked the buttons to rename the lanes.

It didn’t work, because the drum rack had a macro panel before the rack itself. I just dragged the Ki panel inside the rack to make it work. Just FYI.

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That looks amazing!

@Mistercharlie Auto-naming worked for all Mac and Windows users who tested the beta version. If you want me to help you with your problem, better send me a message through my website. In this way we will not occupy this thread with the conversation about it (Today I will be busy but I will try to answer you as soon as possible).

are you using this in conjunction with Push 2 or it’s better for using without push?

I don’t use push. Just a mouse and a midi keyboard for me.

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Agree. Hate Push. And the mouse.

Step Sequencing:

Tracker/Parameter Sequencing:

SH-101 (not working in my old version)

And still:

For mapping:

Survey looks great…Thanks


Hello. Almost bought your sequencer but then thought, I need some answers as I’m new to Ableton.

How does a sequencer like this work with regards to splitting out instruments into clips? What I mean is, I plan to have drums across a couple of tracks and bass on another etc. If I use your sequencer will that drive just the drums say, and everything else
Is on the piano roll? I’m struggling to see
How you mix the two. If I had a sequence in one clip, would the next clip use a new instance of the sequencer?

The sequencer looks fantastic btw. I’ll most likely buy just to support.

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This looks excellent. Just a quick question that I didn’t see covered in the video or PDF manual: is the swing fixed or can you load grooves into it as you would regular Live clips?

Sequences are stored in the plugin, MIDI clips can be used to switch between sequences.

I don’t know what your level of knowledge of Ableton is, but to give you a quick idea of how to use it:

  • Create a MIDI track and insert Sequencer-Ki and an Ableton Drum Rack.

  • Program various sequences in Sequencer-Ki.

  • Create multiple MIDI clips, each with a MIDI note from C1 to G3.

  • Switch between sequences by triggering MIDI clips.

You can program up to 32 sequences and the MIDI notes to trigger them are:

C1 triggers sequence 1
C#1 triggers sequence 2
D1 triggers sequence 3


Do they switch at the end of each sequence or immediately (mid sequence)?

Grooves cannot be loaded. The swing controls can be used in two ways:

  1. Use the swing and global swing controls together to create a kind of humanize effect to make the sequence more organic, like a live performance.

  2. Automating swing controls. In this way you can create custom swing patterns, making combinations equal to the Ableton grooves and even more complex, since they can be individual for each track or global for all tracks.

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They can be changed at any time. The current sequence does not need to be completed.

The procedure is explained in detail in section 4.1.5 of the PDF manual.

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That’s absolutely brilliant. So you could make hybrid sequences on the fly - start with 1, then 2, then back to 1 and on to 3 (for example) all within the length of a single sequence? That’s incredibly powerful

When changing the pattern, it will be played at the point where the change occurs. According to the example of your question, the changes will be something like:

  1. First quarter of sequence 1.
  2. Second quarter of sequence 2.
  3. Third quarter of sequence 1.
  4. Fourth quarter of sequence 3.

This taking into account that the changes are made in equal parts and that all the sequences have the same duration.


That’s perfect - exactly how I would want it to work!

This is related the original post. It’s a Max for Live device that adds trig conditions to Ableton: every 2 out of 1, etc.

The neat part is that it works perfectly with the Push 2, and you can p-lock it to snaps, making it easy to add trig conditions to individual notes/steps in the sequencer.

Totally rad, and and something of a game changer for me.