Vermona DRM1 MKIV

love this record and the sound of it, didn’t know that was what Luke uses - thanks for sharing!

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I had the DRM MK2. Best results I got were from sampling it and loading the samples into the OT. I still use the those samples quite a lot. The later models are certainly improved with the Kick channel. I found the envelopes were sloppy and there was no wave retrigger / phase reset on the drum channels oscillators. But those oscillators are very beefy. This is a re-upload: All sounds are from the DRM MK 2


Nice track, thanks for posting it!

Thanks for the advice you all, I think I am getting somewhere. Using and automating effects seems to be the key to my success so far. I think more than any piece of gear in my studio the DRM1 needs effects. Don’t know if that is a good thing or a bad thing.

I think one day I’ll probably try the perkons too though :stuck_out_tongue:

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Definitely why I’d like to own a DRM1 MKIV + trigs.

Do the trig inputs vary level according to velocity or just on/off?

I’m pretty sure that unlike midi with velocity, the trig inputs have no variance. it’s just a pulse trigger, not a cv value from 1-5 volts or something. the upside is you can fire trigs from a modular, of course.

The mkiv does vary velocity depending on the level of the triggers. It was one of its new features.


aha! I stand corrected. should’ve shut my mouth! :zipper_mouth_face:

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Nothing else sounds like the Vermona DRM. Even without tweaking, I don’t grow tired of its sounds, especially the kick, snare, and clap. Anyway, now I use the CV triggers (there are 10) on the MkIV controlled by an SQ-64 and all is good. :slight_smile:


Nice - that will make the analogue triggers more useful. I have a mkiii so MIDI a better fit for my needs.


Love this, music is great, and sounds really organic.

Makes me really want one ffs :grinning:

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Thanks for the appreciation! I guess that snippet is in equal part a demo of the power / possibilities of Octatrack scenes.

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Yeah, I have an OT so can see the potential of using with the Vermona :+1:t2:

Very interesting video from Hainbach :


I ordered a DRM-1 last year, and cancelled it after a few weeks of being out of stock. It is seriously under consideration again, as I absolutely love the sound and knob-per-function workflow. While I have several other drum devices, the DRM-1 looks so user friendly and it should pair well with the Hapax.


A DRM-1 MKIV with trigger inputs is incoming. I look forward to seeing how it compares to my other common Techno drum tools.

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My DRM-1 arrived a few days ago. So far, I love it. Awesome sound as expected.

At least for me, the only complaint is a Pitch knob for the Snare and Clap sounds would have been more beneficial than Reverb. I knew the said fact going into the purchase, so it was not unexpected. Just a missed opportunity in my humble opinion. Otherwise, it is a firm keeper.


Such a beautiful piece of gear!

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The new Crosspatch Triggerpad ( post ) might be a good low cost option for this.

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I have the mkiii here, was just reading out the comparison with vi and luckily it seems like the iii remains strong.
I sequence it with a cirklon but also use the BSP because of funn.
If dawless I would improve the kick with ext. effects like eq/comp but on ableton I even support it with any punchy kick sample to get that oompf behind the tones of the vermona, it works really well. Today I even imitated the knob layout of the drm1 on the BSP knobs so that kick sample had decay, pitch, attack and volume as well, very intuitive!

In my opinion, a dedicated sequencer is always better than the forwards/backwards/alternate of most on board seqs that add a lot of bulk while being mediocre. Can’t bite it all.