Has anyone figured out how to send velocity from the A4 CV section? I’m trying to control a synths filter over CV using velocity, but it’s not obvious how this is done. The options in the velocity mod page all relate to the standard synth voice perimeters.
can’t be done - however, as you have to plock seq velocity values (or record from midi) then you’re already manually programming them (except w midi) so why not just manually program some linear values and modulate something with that info - that’ll cost you three cv outs if you want gate/pitch/vel - velocity mod is not a big talking point in cv land, there are simpler ways to get more variety at the expense of nuance - if you do vel as source it in the A4 it’ll be disconnected from the pitch track, so a pain to program synchronous trigs - but if you’re using cv in a more unconventional way then ignore all of that and just have fun !
Thanks for the response. Yeah, there’s ton’s of fun to be had using plocks to modulate CV values, I love the possibilities the A4 has in this regard.
Actually, I wanted to use velocity modulation to control the filter of my microbrute so I could sample it with a bunch of different values. A lot of MIDI/Cv converters do this, but I suppose it’s a bit outside the scope of the A4.
i was about to post essentially asking this same question… (how to send velocity via CV?)
my workaround is to use a third CV out sending a voltage value to velocity-in on my synth. However on the main note page in the A4 CV track there is a dial for velocity…
what does this link to in the A4 - seems to me like it doesn’t actually do anything? - but no doubt there’s a bit of knowledge im missing here otherwise why put it in?
2020 Still no velocity out?
… 2013 solution …
what’s the end game here
do you want pitch ? you need one CV lane
do you want to gate external envelopes … you need an impulse of magnitude Xv or higher
How do you weave velocity into this without potentially compromising the gate strength
so let’s assume some gear can do something with a lower level impulse/gate like a drum machine type of thing
Then the solution has been there from day one - i alude to it
just assign the velocity mod to e.g. (as there’s a lot of ways to do this) the Env2 sustain, chose an envelope profile to suit your needs, now assign the Env2 to Value Lin
The max voltage from the Env2 is full velocity the minimum voltage is proportional to the velocity programmed - so that profile which could look exactly like a gate can vary from 0v peak to 10v peak depending on the limits you set (or can go negative too) - then it’s just up to you to use/abuse the envelope or lfo etc to make a profile - at least the envelope will follow the step length
so come on, if you’re going to bemoan a lack of progress, at least try a few of the existing functions out - there’s no way they’ll make it any more obvious, the functionality is laid out consistent with the rest of the device, the matrix is a little bit hidden, it just doesn’t make sense to expect anything different, especially as the function is easily facilitated - look at the assorted destinations for the CV track velo matrix - it couldn’t be better, so this 2020 stuff is a bit confusing, i’m not sure what is missing that the box could already do from the get-go
2020 cause of all the updates they made on the analog keys
For me some of the updates made the ak much more usefull so i hoped they changd something bout that but looks like its still like in 2013
But what exactly is the issue with that, I don’t see what there is to add in terms of availablefunctionality wrt your query ?
Shit ur right i was just to silly to set it up the right way.