Hi, I am Kain from Vasuri Kabala, my one man brotherhood. This is diary of my journey to the heart of darkness ie to elektron OCTATRACK.
Thought it would be fun to share this journey for current and future Octatrackers and learn the magic with elektronauts.
First a bit of history. I am Ableton Live addict and been using and loving it for several years live and in my studio. Year ago I started having doubts of its live use and opened a can of worms by checking out some options. Octatrack stood out much higher than any competition being somehow elitist/mysterious machine, so I started watching youtube videos. It seemed somehow familiar right away, I remembered seeing the first elektron promotional videos when they first came, but for some reason didn’t dig deeper then. Finally this summer after watching all octatrack videos youtube had to offer I decided to pull the trigger.
Journey started yesterday, when long awaited package including dreaded Octatrack finally arrived from Thomann.
First the package and all magic slogans/logos looked elegant and Apple like. Opened it and took the machine out, found out that there was a couple of scratches on the display, so it took a bit out of first impression. But year long wait and anticipation quickly covered that, I wanted to hear how it sounds, scratches come and go.
Went with the demo mode, yes I read the manual a few pages before firing it up. Ok, nice, this seems to actually do what videos promised. Now was time to take first step into the darkness and start it up blank.
Huh, this is really huge and complicated (just like everybody told me on the internet). Downloaded Inspector Gadget single cycle waves and some else samples to my laptop and copied them to the CF-card. Fiddling around with all buttons I finally got it to actually play something. There was sound. Started with flex machines and just randomly hit trigs here and there and locked some parameters on them.
After playing with it for awhile, I wanted some drum samples in (didn’t know at the time that presets folder included them already, I started a new blank project?/set? (sorry if my terminology isn’t yet top notch) with its own empty audiopool). Downloaded Tarekith’s sample chains and uploaded them to Octatrack. Something went wrong (or I didn’t have patience to wait) and samples didn’t seem to go into the card. I stopped the transfer and apparently broke something as after that I couldn’t get anything in anymore. Backupped the card to my laptop and formatted it and moved everything back in place. Everything was ok again and I finally got the Tarekith samples in.
More playing… Tested the neighbour machine and created 4 fx chain. Also could get the flex machine to use recording buffer of another track and do some live sampling (somehow). Managed also to load sample into one of the recording buffers and couldn’t delete it. Internet offered some help and told me to clear the sample from the slot. This helped and recording buffer came back. Dunno if this was some bug or feature.
Also tried to real time sample some sound from iPad Korg gadget with just audio connection, no midi sync.
At the end of the day I did have some NIN style beat and single cycle bass going with crossfader delays.
Learned today
- Backup the card (important)
- flex machine (basic use)
- neighbour machine
- crossfader
- trigs (below very basic use)
- fx (basic)
- recording buffers (somehow)
- sample editing / slices (scratch the surface)
Now it’s the second day and I got to read the manual some more. Couldn’t figure out how to copy/paste patterns/scenes, maybe I learn it today.
Crazy magic machine this is.