UW Drive - is it possible to buy in 2021?

+Drive retrofit to a UW mkII in my case.

Oh I see, you’re asking @fastforwardrewind? Now I realise the OP is a little unclear on this. +Drive won’t make your non UW have UW functionality.

That would be my case, I own an mk2 UW. Based on your experience was 300 worth the investment? What kind of enhancement has given you?

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I just thought I want to get it while it’s available, you never know if they’ll stop doing it. I don’t know about enhancement… it gives you multiple projects basically which can be nice if you like to work on different genres for example.

After that I got the Megacommand though which kinda makes the +Drive obsolete because now everything is stored in there. But I still like knowing that I have the +Drive, it probably makes the MD at least 300 more valuable too.

Oh that’s great to know, I am waiting for my MCL to be built so I guess that’ll do. Thanks for the heads-up

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