I know there’s a way to sequence external gear, but run the audio input to one of the 4 tracks, so that you can still use the A4’s filter on the input. (Dataline does this in a couple of his videos, i know the MS-20 Mini video for sure. And i know i’ve seen it mentioned in other posts here, i just can’t recall which).
Can someone talk me through how to do this? I thought it would be as straightforward as setting the wave type for the oscillator on a given track to Input R/L, but this doesn’t actually seem do do anything. Is there a menu i need to explore further?
this is something I really cant get my head around! … on occasions it seems to work, on other occasions I really dont know what I do and i cannot tell if anything happens at all … so if you get lucky with your experiments drop a tutorial , (for me)
good luck !