Using THRU Machine with no trigger

Please tell me there’s a way to use a THRU machine without actually rocking a trigger. I am doing a live set and I don’t actually press play during the set. Is there a way to have the THRU machine just always on without having to do anything?

According to the manual thru machines need to be trigged. Try just selecting your thru track with sequencer stopped env decay settings maxed and manually hit a step button?

You’ve got to trigger it somehow.

I think you just put the attack to 0, decay to inf and put a trig on the first step of the pattern. either that or you can manually trig the track yourself when you turn on your octatrack. Make sure the decay setting (or is it hold?) is set to inf.

Bah humbug.

Can you not press the track button and I think it’s either play or stop button.

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if i remember correctly from my experience i used an empty pattern with a trig on thru and then everything followed smoothly

This. I do this all the time to run my thru tracks. Hold the track button and hit play.

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what’s wrong with using a trigger? if you program it before hand you won’t need to do anything during the set.

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OP said they don’t hit play during their set. So no triggers are ever triggered.

But it doesn’t matter because you CAN start a thru track without starting sequencer. You hold the track-button and hit play. It starts the thru track but does not start the OT-sequencer.


just to repeat, since it has been already written:

press the Sample Trig for the THRU track with AMP HOLD and REL settings at INF.

so…you have THRU on T5…press trig M (13) and you’re done


yeah missed that - my bad.

but sample/track trigger or track button + play… both good solutions

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