Using the midi arp to arp internal tracks

I’ve seen a couple of comments on this forum about the ability to use the midi arp to arpeggiate the internal OT tracks by connecting the midi out to the midi in, however I’ve not been able to work out how to do so.
Could someone please provide me with an idiots guide on how to achieve this.

have you read Appendix C in the OT manual about MIDI ?
Here is another post Midi out into Midi in
You need to know wich notes are playing samples (sample slots or chromatic etc.) and which notes triggering functions on the OT (Rec, Play, CUE etc.)

As you can see you should not trigger notes C4 (60) - B4 (71) because they trigger functions on the OT.

You should not trigger (never ever) Midi Tracks C3 (48) - G3 (55) as this will lead to nasty midi loops = instant freeze.

You can trigger sample trigs (Octave 2) and chromatic triggs (Octave 5 to 7)
To setup the Audio tracks to receive midi notes you have to enter
To use the CC and LFO -> AUDIO CC IN (YES)
On your MIDI track setup up the corresponding midi channel of your audio track.
Now you can trigger the audi tracks (opposite of your midi tracks) with external note events aka your OT´s ARP.
But beware, you can mess up your project, so do it at your own risk!

Have fun.

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thats great, thank you very much mate, ill give it a try as soon as…