Using the main outs only

disclaimer: i suck at mixers and routing, so please forgive me in advance.

i’ve always plucked the BD and SD out to route individually to my mixer with my MD, and did the same with the AR, and use the main outs for everything else. i’m looking at reducing the studio and pairing down to a smaller mixer and am considering using the main outs only from both boxes.

today, i use separate mixer channels for the main outs and pan each all the way to left and right. if i also route the BD and SD to the main outs, will in continue to pan all the way to the left and the right? how will the MD/AR handle this from a routing perspective? do the BD and SD come out of the L and R equally, or do they default to one side? it seems odd to have the BD and SD work in stereo, so i was wondering how the box handles that, when the BD and SD are routed to the main outs. if i still have each channel panned all the way to the left and right, and the kick/snare only come out of one side it will be no bueno.

of course with overbridge this will all go out the window, as i will use usb to get the audio from the AR into the cubase. sorry for such a mess of a question, but i’ve never tested using the main outs only and how the machines behave in that mode.

Hey! I think I understand what you’re trying to ask - but correct me if I’m wrong.
You have the Main Outs from the AR going to (for ex.) Channel 1 + 2 in your mixer, and using the BD and SD outputs to go to (for ex.) Channel 3 + 4? In this scenario, as long as 3 + 4 aren’t panned, they should come out of your mixer in the centre of the stereo field. Also, is it necessary to pan hard left and right? Most mixers account for stereo inputs and do not sum the two channels together.
Another interpretation could be that you are only using the Main Outs from the AR and going into your mixer (i.e. no individual BD or SD outputs are being used). In this scenario, your stereo field will be widened through panning, but your BD and SD should not come out on the L or R side on their own.
Does this make sense? If you’re still unsure, or can’t tell where the signals are going, it might help to Solo the voices in question, and see where they turn up in your DAW.
I hope this helps!


Hey! I think I understand what you’re trying to ask - but correct me if I’m wrong.
You have the Main Outs from the AR going to (for ex.) Channel 1 + 2 in your mixer, and using the BD and SD outputs to go to (for ex.) Channel 3 + 4? In this scenario, as long as 3 + 4 aren’t panned, they should come out of your mixer in the centre of the stereo field. Also, is it necessary to pan hard left and right? Most mixers account for stereo inputs and do not sum the two channels together.
Another interpretation could be that you are only using the Main Outs from the AR and going into your mixer (i.e. no individual BD or SD outputs are being used). In this scenario, your stereo field will be widened through panning, but your BD and SD should not come out on the L or R side on their own.
Does this make sense? If you’re still unsure, or can’t tell where the signals are going, it might help to Solo the voices in question, and see where they turn up in your DAW.
I hope this helps![/quote]
hi skeena, and thanks for taking a crack at helping me. after re-reading my post it seems like it wouldn’t be the easiest to decipher what i am asking.
my current setup is similar to what you describe- channels 3+4 are not panned, so the BD and SD are center field.
the reason i pan hard left and right on channels 1+2 for the main outs of the AR/MD is because i am grabbing two mono channels on the mixer- my stereo inputs are used up from synths. so i am basically turning two mono channels into a stereo grouping if that makes sense.
as i previously said, i am looking to get a smaller mixer. right now i have an onyx 24.4 and it’s just too big for what i want to do, along with no adat out for multitrack recording in the DAW. it’s a good live mixer, but wasn’t the wisest decision for studio use as it only has DB25 outs. have you seen the cost of audio interfaces that take DB25? OUCH. so, my goal is to go to a smaller mixer with ADAT, or maybe just an audio interface with enough analog inputs, all so i can multitrack record in cubase.
so, based on what you say, if i only use the main outs, the BD and SD will come equally out the L and R channels? so, basically stereo BD and SD? i guess that’s a little weird to me as i have always plugged each drum part in mono i.e. with an 808/909 etc. but, if it still sounds good then that is what i will do.
one thing i like about my current mixer is the ability to also send the kick from the AR/MD out an auxillary out, to duck a compressor that my minitaur is plugged into. so if i go the road of only using the main outs, i need to figure out how to sidechain with just the kick drum(s). i was thinking of running the audio from the minitaur into the AR and using it’s compressor, but it takes a TRS input and the minitaur is TS only.


if i only use the main outs, the BD and SD will come equally out the L and R channels? so, basically stereo BD and SD? i guess that’s a little weird to me as i have always plugged each drum part in mono i.e. with an 808/909 etc. but, if it still sounds good then that is what i will do.

Yup! A stereo BD and SD. It’s not exactly “traditional”, but then again neither is recording into a digital workstation really - it’s just the way it is nowadays :wink:
That said, it’s very easy to split a stereo recording into two mono’s using your recording software (Cubase was it? I know it’s possible with Pro Tools, I’m sure it’s possible with Cubase too)- just a bit cumbersome if you’re soloing the voices on the AR, recording one or two tracks at a time, and then splitting the stereo tracks into mono and editing them all together with the rest of the voices later on…. but that is one way to do it if that’s what you want and you’ve got the patience!

Also don’t forget, it won’t be long before Overbridge is released as well (Q4 2014). At least for recording purposes I really think it’ll come in handy. It better, I’m counting on it, ha!

thanks SkeenaCloud, your replies are much appreciated!