I just got my Octatrack yesterday, and of course I’m eager to load it up with samples.
So today I purchased for a few bucks some Minimoog bass samples. They are a collection of several hundred pitched, one-shot samples, ranging from C1-C3. So, under a folder called “Moog Techno,” for example, you’ll have 25 pitched, one-shot samples in that timbre. Under the “Fat Moog” folder, you’ll have 25 more samples, again ranging from C1-C3.
Here’s my question: what’s the best way to load these into the OT to make them “playable,” so that I can record bass lines using them?
i load a flex machine, and throw the samples into the corresponding track, then when you place trigs, you can pitch tune them, or use the chromatic function to play them like a keyboard / piano …
did you see multiman’s tutorial on the slices to make every modual fanboy shit his pants? … if not look it up quickly …
But I’m still not sure I have an answer to my question. The Moog samples that I bought are not single-cycle waves. Anyway, I guess I’ll have to experiment.
Just load one of the samples played at a “C”, switch to chromatic layout, and play.
The OT has no multisample support, so you can’t have a lot of samples of the same sound recorded at different pitches laid out on different keys across the keyboard. You can still load them all and plock the sample per-trig, but this would be a hassle and probably not needed.
You can chain the samples, into one long sample containing all the moog samples and then use the slice parameter to choose between the samples. I think this technique would solve the problem…