@Multiman - OK, yes - your suggestions are getting better!! I can’t imagine any set requiring more than 16 songs/events, so the Bank approach might work.
So you still use one-shots for this approach, correct? And, you get around the re-arm by using 4 tracks, right?
Thinking about it more, I’d almost prefer to re-arm. If I get over the re-arming part, I can make this much simpler. Also, with the bank approach, I can stop worrying about using sample locks and slicing, since one song can be the default sample for each bank.
I can even trigger the next bank ahead of time and wait for the right time to re-arm correct? If that is true, perhaps this is better than using the arranger? If I set a length for the row and I forget to hit ‘yes’ to re-arm, the length is then no longer accurate and the next row wont trigger correctly in the set order - right?.
[Also, perhaps I don’t understand the arranger, but it appears that the max length of any row is 512 steps (32 bars). You mentioned setting the length of a row to 200 bars (3200 steps), but that doesn’t seem possible.]
I hope I’m not playing too much devil’s advocate here, but I am hopeful to come to some sort of solution with the OT that doesnt take so much work! But, I haven’t given up yet…
So far, I like the bank approach, but not so sure about having to dedicate more than one static machine. Re-arming is becoming more acceptable, but wont play well with the arranger. The arranger is attractive, because I had plans to build several custom 45 minute to one-hour sets, basically hitting the play button only once. Maybe I just have to bite the bullet and chop everything up to use 16-bar loops so I can build arrangements exactly as needed.
But god, I hate sample management and I just want to play back tracks in sync with other loops and send out a click track to the drummer. The OT does NOT make that simple and any comparisons to Ableton Live just go completely out of the window.