Sorry if this has been covered before elsewhere, I can’t seem to figure it out from the manual and my OT doesn’t arrive until Thursday.
Also the search function is not working at all for me on here so yeah.
Anyway…here is what I wish to know is possible.
Midi controller (synth) => OT midi in
OT handles it how…? Is it possible to:
a) simply let notes / info pass thru, via the active track and midi out (NOT Thru)
b) change the channel of the notes? so if i transmit from the keyboard midi channel 1 into a OT midi track that transmits out on channel 4, will it send the incoming info from ch 1 to out on ch 4?
c) send to multiple channels at once from one source?
a) this will happen if you are playing back / not recording with the OT
b) active track is what you want to look at for that. If your active track channel is 9 and your track that is currently active is 13, the OT should transmit on 13
c) Playback or recording? Recording, no. Playback maybe. I will be curious if other folks have input on this one. I have two controller keyboards, so I am interested in this myself. I have tried a few things. One thing that gave surprisingly positive results was turning CC Direct Connect off. It has been a little while since I tried this, but I seem to remember I was able to record MIDI notes on the active track and get note data for another channel (that is assigned to another track to pass through). But depending on the complexity of one’s setup, this may not be ideal. Still experimenting on this one though.