Using MPD32 with OT / MD - need a PSU (uk)!

I’m planning to hook up my MPD32 to my Octatrack >> Machinedrum via midi for some live tweaking using different MPD32 presets but I’ve run into a problem - I can’t find a UK PSU for the MPD32 anywhere, and the MPD32 Midi Out won’t work while it is USB powered (!!!)

All I can find online is that I need an “Akai MP6-1 Power Adapter” but these appear to come in US plug versions only - their spec is 6V DC @ 1A. Does anyone know if a generic Maplin wall wart will do the job?

Check the polarity, need to be center positive outer negative, also will be good if you can check that your power supply is delivering 6V and not more. Tip seems to be 5.0mm x 2.1mm.
Hope it helps!

Cheers, found one on Amazon :slight_smile:

Looking forward to getting the faders mapped up to OT track volumes

Doubly looking forward to mapping the pads to the MD machines :smiley: :smiley:

Which one did you end up getting? I just found out that the MPD32 midi out port won’t work unless I supply it with power - doh!

I bought one of these:

It works fine! Its so much fun having hands on control of all of the OT track volumes, velocity sensitive pads for the MD, buttons for One2 pattern starts and midi channel mutes on OT, and a load of endless controllers to tweak both machines all in one place :smiley: