Using MIDI controller like Monome to play all tracks at once (with slice trig mode)?

Is it possible to use a grid controller like the Monome to control the 8 tracks on the Octatrack at once?
I often use the slices trig mode, to play around in samples, but it would be great being able to do this on multiple tracks at once, kind of like the Monome mlr does.

Has anyone tried this?

Complicated. You need programing to send start / slices messages before note.
There is a latency, time needed before the start / slice change.
Less latency with start points, around 17/20ms.
Up to 60ms with slices (possibly reduced with odd midi values)
Triggering slices with midi notes?

If you control the crossfader assigned to start / slices, no latency. But in that case, you have same crossfader value for all tracks, hence same start / slice value.

I’d rather use a launchpad pro.

Check this long thread.

What is mlr?


Manifold app does it -with a grid on screen

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If you know how to trigger slices on the OT it should be possible to do some MLR stuff with the monome, depending on the app you use. I personally still use MOLAR VST with my monome to trigger stuff in Reaktor.

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What is MLR?
Can you use the Monome standalone?
I don’t want to use computers (just a little bit, :content:).
What could be better than Launchpad Pro with it?

Especially since Launchpad Pro supports an open source toolkit to build custom firmwares by your own. This enables projects like this:

… of course, running in standalone mode.

The Monome itself is nicely built, but it’s a dumb controller which requires a computer or MIDI processor to adapt to your device(s).


Not sure if it has better velocity, aftertouch, rgb leds possibilities, feeling…compared to LPP?

Oh that sounds really interesting.
But I would still get some latency then?

As a monome and (ex) Launchpad owner and user I personally find the built quality, including the pads of the monome miles away and much more of professional built quality. I am still using my 2005 monome and never thought of selling it.

But, yes, it is not standalone, you need a computer.

The big difference compared to a Launchpad Pro which supports open source now, is probably the massive library that exists and has grown over many years at
So many outstanding apps which you can choose from, depending on what you want it to do, or what you want to achieve.

MLR is a very special, very interesting and probably the most famous app, that lets you play and record slices (pad triggers) of your samples (or recordings) in a very rhythmical and fun way.

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I didn’t precised it clearly in my first post, I don’t think you checked the links, but latency is OT related.
The only known workaround to avoid latency is to use the crossfader midi message control, with the consequences I already mentioned.

Thanks for the interesting details.

Functionality is as minimalistic as its design: a grid of buttons (not pads) with single color leds. What I meant by “nicely built”: it’s a piece of art by itself with a top notch build quality.

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That you @sezare56 :slight_smile: I went through the post, but was a little confused by all the info, so thanks for making this clear. What a shame that it isn’t possible without latency

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For those who know: does mlr never clip from nonzero-crossings? How does it do that?