Using ext MIDI controller's "note on" as a clock source

I love using the mnm’s sequencer for jamming out alone, but its hard to use with my band because they don’t like being tied down to a strict clocked tempo.

I was wondering if I could use a basic midi controller to trigger the mnm’s sequencer note by note with each keypress. I looked through the manuals midi channel appendix and I didn’t see anything that matched what I was looking for. Any suggestions?


I needed to use my Machinedrum and Innerclock Sync-Gen to make it work:

  1. Download the 964 click wav file from Innerclock’s website and load it in my Machinedrum on two rom machines.
  2. Rout them to the sync-gen’s start/stop and clock inputs with each rom machine on its own output.
    3 Set the rom repeat setting to 6 for the clock channel and infinite for the start/stop channel.

the sequencer moved one step every time I triggered the rom machines.
If there is a pause in the start/stop rom machine transmission, the Monomachine seems to reset.
Furthermore, if the start/stop in not re-triggered with in a few seconds, the Monomachine will fall back to its internal tempo and sequencer will begin to play unintentionally.

Now I can play my Machinedrum AND trigger my Monomachine’s sequencer with my padKontrol!