Using ext keys to record MIDI notes but not play samples chromat

Hi there.

So I’ve got my external synth playing MIDI notes into the OT in live record mode and that’s great.

Sometimes though certain keys will play an audio track at a different pitch and also stop/start the sequence.

Can you help me understand more about how to disable this? I’d like to sometimes play the audio in live to the seq but I’d like to know how to disable it also, also how to disable the keyboard from stop/starting the sequence itself.

Thank you.

maybe this heps.

So…keep in mind if you want to use your ext device to control Audio Tracks while also recording notes to the OT’s midi sequencer avoiding also those issues, you should have different channels set for the Audio/Midi sections.

Otherwise disable the MIDI>CONTROL>AUDIO NOTE IN checkbox

Anyway, mostly depends on what needing you do have.
Based on your actual setup and what you want to achieve with ext control.
Maybe give more informations…